You Get Into A Fight And Scare Your Kids

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You Get Into A Fight And Scare Your Kids

Ross: "Who said that?!" Ross raises his voice angrily at you. "Oh, I don't know! You?!" You yell back sarcastically. You two were fighting about what Ross had said about not wanting to be home or something not worth fighting over like that. "Okay, maybe I did! BUT YOU KNOW I DIDN'T MEAN IT, GOD DAMNIT (Y/N)!" Ross' eyes were filled with anger as he yelled at you. You suddenly hear faint whimpers coming from your bedroom door. "D-Daddy?" You hear your daughter ask in her quiet voice. Ross turned around, his eyes instantly filling with guilt. "Princess, c'mere," he walks over to your three-year-old, picking her in his arms. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. "Why were you fighting?" She asks, glancing at the both of you, her tears threatening to spill over. "It's nothing, princess." Ross dismisses her, looking over at you. You could tell by the look in his eyes he was sorry. You nod, walking over to the both of them and hugging them.

Riker: "(Y/N), babe, you in here?" You hear your husband call to you as he walks into your bedroom. You don't respond. You just glare at the white wall. "There you are," he smiles, walking over to where you were sitting on the bed. You move away from him when he sits beside you though. "What's up, babe?" He asks. You glare at him. "What did I ever do to you?!" He asks again, getting annoyed. "Really? You're going to play the innocent card, Riker?!" You raise your voice at Riker. "Here's my question: why are you coming home so late?!" You raise your voice more to a yell now, making Riker stand from the bed. You follow suit. "Maybe it was because of the band! Ever think of that?!" He starts yelling back at you until you hear footsteps on the other side of the room. You look and see your nine-year-old son watching you. "Why do you guys always fight? I thought Moms and Dads were supposed to love eachother." He says softly as Riker turns around. "We do love eachother hun," you say, standing beside Riker, looking up at him who has guilt written all over him. "I-I'm sorry you had to hear that, bud." Riker walks over to your son, enveloping him in his arms. You see your son whisper something in Riker's ear, then Riker turns to you. He walks toward you, then as he approaches you, he envelopes you in a hug; his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry." He mumbles into your ear, kissing it softly. You nod, wrapping your arms around your neck. "I love you." You say. "Love you too."

Rocky: "WHY ARE WE ALWAYS FIGHTING?! OH I DONT KNOW, MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE. OF. YOU!" Rocky booms, walking closer to you, his face only inches away from yours. You feel tears sting at your eyes, but choose to ignore them. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO BLAME EVERYTHING ON ME, ROCKY?! SURE, WE FIGHT A LOT BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN I ALWAYS START IT!" You shout at your husband. His face contorts in anger, and you see his hand fly up into the air. "Daddy, no!" Your six-year-old daughter cries, running in between the both of you. Rocky looks down at her. "Did you think I was going to..." He whispers. "Hit Mommy? Yes, I did. Please don't!" She cries again, tears threatening to spill. Rocky's eyes widen, and meet yours. "I-I don't know what-" "Rock, just c'mere." You say softly, wrapping your arms around your husband's waist. "I-I'm sorry." He whispers into your shoulder, as you feel something wet hit it. You lean back in your embrace, seeing tears streaming down his cheeks. "No, please don't cry babe. It's all okay now." You coo, as your daughter holds up her arms as in saying 'up!'. You lift her, and put her in Rocky's arms. "In so sorry babe," he whispers to her. "It's okay, Daddy. I love you." She tries to lighten the mood with a smile, instantly making Rocky smile. "Love you too."

Ellington: "Do not get it? It's not appropriate for him to leave school this early in the year!" You whisper shout at your husband. You two were never loud in fights, even when you were really angry at eachother. "Yeah, I know, but I still want him to come your with us!" Ell whisper shouts back at you as you cross your arms in frustration. "Well if you know, WHY ARE YOU STILL INSISTING?!" You still whisper shout. "God damnit, (Y/N)! Why are you so frustrating?!" Ell walks closer to you, so close that you were sharing the same air as his hand starts to go into air but gets stopped by another one. "Dad! Don't hit girls!" Your sixteen-year-old son exclaims, pulling Ell back from your face. "Your dad wasn't going to hit me, (Y/S/N), or were you?" You direct your question at Ell quietly, to receive a hurt glance from him. "I-I wasn't going to-" Your son whispers something in Ell's ear before he could finish. "O-oh, okay." He answers quietly. Your son walks out of your room, leaving you tow alone again. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Ell looks up at you, hurt mixed in with his guilt. You sigh, walking over to him, wrapping your arms around him. "Alright, Ell. Let's just not fight anymore, okay?" Ell nods as you lean up and kiss his cheek.

Ryland: "Why are you never home anymore, Ry?" You ask your husband one night as you two sit on the couch together. "I'm home." He defends himself as you roll your eyes. "Oh yeah, sure you are." You reply sarcastically. "So what you're saying is that you're always home, every night?" Ryland sighs. "I didn't say that." "OT SURE SOUNDED LIKE IT! WHAT CAN'T YOU GET THROUGH YOUR HEAD, RY?! YOUR DAUGHTER NEEDS YOU, I NEED YOU!" You yell at him, making his eyes turn a darker shade of brown in anger. "I can't believe you!" He shouts, getting in your face. "You can't believe me?! Oh my god," you laugh humorlessly. "Regardless of what (Y/D/N) needs, I can't ALWAYS BE HOME!" Ry raises his voice louder (a/n: hehe, louder ;)) at the end, running a frustrated hand through his hair. You see Ryland's fist almost make contact with the wall, until you hear small whimpers from behind you. You turn to see your four-year-old daughter, her eyes filled with tears. "D-Daddy?" Her voice cracks. "Princess, c'mere." He whispers, taking her in his arms. "I'm so sorry." "You scared me, Daddy." You feel tears streaming slowly down your cheeks, but you quickly wipe them. Ryland notices. "Baby, I love you so much. C'mere." He hold out an arm, as hug walk into his embrace.


A/N: Hey!

So I'm quickly updating now before I leave for a week!

I'll miss you all!

Love all of you,

~Ashley xoxo

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