"If I Can't Be With You" - Song Preference

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"If I Can't Be With You" - Song Preference

A/N: This preference will be based off of the song "If I Can't Be With You" by R5 - it's my favourite song off Louder! - Enjoy! Also check out the video on the side!  ~Ashley


Baby give it all up, up, I'd give it all up, if I can't be with you

Ross had been gone on tour with R5 for two months now, and it was driving you crazy. You missed him so much, and because of the time differences, you couldn't always talk. But thankfully, today, he called you at a decent time - it's usually somewhere around 3 or 4 am - noon, and you were so happy to your boyfriend's voice. "Hi babe," he says into the phone. You smile at the sound of his voice. "Hi Ross," you say. "How's tour?" "Good, good. I just really miss you, baby. I can't take it, it's driving me nuts. I wish I could give it all up and just come and see you." He says on the other line. "I know, babe, but you'll be home in no time," you pause for a moment. "Anything exciting happen on tour?" "Oh yeah! Well, it's not that exciting, but because I've been missing you so much, we were performing "Say You'll Stay" and on the second verse, Riker gave me his solo, and instead of 'Ramona's hair', I said '(Y/N)'s hair." You couldn't help but giggle a little. "Aw, babe," you say through your giggles. "Why don't you try this before performing: text me, or look at few pictures of me, and then you won't miss me as much." You hear Ross happily sigh through the phone. "I'm already not missing you."


Paris, Monaco, Vegas, I'd rather stay with you if I had to choose

R5 were about to leave for the next leg of their tour, but Riker didn't want to go. "You have to, babe! C'mon, go on! They need you." You plead with your boyfriend, but he wouldn't budge. "No, I don't want to, (Y/N). I don't want to travel the world, I want to stay with you." You sigh. "Please, go. For me at least?" "Riker, let's go! We're going to miss our flight!" Stormie calls from the tour bus. "Go, Riker. I love you, be safe." You say, kissing your boyfriend one last time until he comes back three months after this. "Bye, (Y/N). I love you, I'll miss you." Riker waves to you from the steps into the bus. You return the wave, managing a smile. Your phone vibrates. 'Riker: I'd rather stay with you if I had to choose'.


Nobody in the world could ever take your place, you're the kind you can't replace

You were sitting on the couch, watching one of those celebrity gossip news shows, while Rocky was at the studio recording with R5, or so you thought. "Rocky Lynch of R5 found kissing blonde outside of Starbucks. More at 10." The lady on the TV says. You feel the heat behind your eyes, and the lumo in your throat forming. You couldn't believe it. Rocky - out of all people - cheats on you! "Babe! I'm home!" You hear your boyfriend's voice call for you throughout your shared house. You don't respond, staring aimlessly at the paused TV where it shows the picture of Rocky and the blonde. You hear his footsteps come into the living room, then he sits down beside you on the couch. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, voice full  of concern, scooting closer to you to wrap his arms around your crying figure, but you jump up off the couch. "That's" you point to the TV. "what's wrong, Rocky! How could you?!" Rocky stares at the screen for a moment, then sets his gaze on you again. "That's not me, babe-" "Oh, really? Because it sure looks like it!" "Babe, do you really think I'd cheat on you?" You think for a moment. Maybe you were jumping to conclusions. "I-I guess you're right, I'm sorr-" "No, no, don't be. Just c'mere." Rocky holds his arms out, and immediately after you sit down, he wraps his arms around you in a warm embrace. "You wanna know something, (Y/N)?" "What?" "That nobody, nobody, could ever take your place. No one can compare to you, and I promise you, that I would never cheat on you, even if my life depended on it." He kisses your hair, pulling you in closer to his chest.


I can't even see a future without you in it, colours start to fade

Today your best friend, Ellington, was getting married. But it wasn't to you, it was to his oh-so-lovely (note the sarcasm) girlfriend. You loved Ratliff, but he would never see you in the same you see him. You were in the washrooom, checking your makeup, when Ratliff himself walks in. "Ell? What are you doing? Why aren't you out there on the alter?" you ask, turning toward your friend. "I can't marry her," Ell says. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Why can't you marr-" "It's because I'm supposed to marry you." Ratliff walks toward you quickly, pushing you against the ceramic bathroom sink, connecting his lips with yours. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as your eyelids flutter closed. You had been waiting for this day ever since you met Ratliff. But this wasn't right. You gently push Ell's chest away from yours. "Ell, this isn't right, you're supposed to be out there. Not in here, kissing me." "But I don't really love her, I love you," he pauses. "I can't see a future with her, either. I can only see one with you in it." You couldn't help but smile. "Really?" "Yea," he says as he connects his lips with yours again.


The sun don't shine, the sky ain't blue, if I can't be with you

For some reason, since your boyfriend Ryland left on tour, all it ever did was rain. Like, black sky, storm rain. And since you absolutely hated storms, you had to call Ryland. "Hey babe," he says. "There's a storm, Ry," you cry into the phone, just as another lighting bolt strikes the Earth. "It's all okay, babe, just liten to my voice," he pauses. "Here, I'll sing you a song... Rain, rain, go away. Come back another day, (Y/N) wants a nice day." he giggles, hoping it would've made you smile, or at least cheered you up. You laugh at him. "Ry, that was the silliest thing I've heard you say. But - hey, look at that! The storm's gone! The sun's coming out! Wow Ry, your song did work." You giggle into the phone, making Ryland giggle.

A/N: Hi!

Two updates today! Woohoo! Two song prefs in a row - are you guys alright with that?

Ellington's was a little different... Did all of you still enjoy it?

Until next time,

~Ashley xx

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