Insecurities - Ross Imagine

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Insecurities - Ross Imagine

A/N: I'm doing an imagine for this chapter, I hope you like it! It's a change, but I hope you enjoy! ~Ashley


You and your boyfriend Ross were hanging at the beach with his siblings and Ratliff, enjoying the sun. The other boys' girlfriends and Rydel had their bikinis on, but you felt too insecure to wear yours, so you wore a tank, cute high-waisted shorts, and a pair of black Converse.

At the moment, the others wanted to do piggyback ride races. 'I can't do it,' you think. 'I'll be too heavy'.

"C'mon babe, it'll be fun!" Ross tries to get you out of your lawn chair beside Rydel, but you wouldn't budge.

You look around. All the other girlfriends were getting on their boyfriends backs (Rydel's on Ratliff's).

You shake your head, looking away from everyone else. "No Ross, I'll be too heavy." You say, barely audible.

Ross crouches down beside your chair, lifting your chin to look at him. "No, don't say that. You are not too heavy," he pauses. "Now c'mon, let's have some fun." He smiles, trying to cheer you up.

You comtemplate your options. Go through and get a piggyback ride and embarrass yourself, or just stay in your chair, reading your magazine.

After a minute, you sigh. "Ross?"

"Yea?" Ross looks at you, patiently awaiting for your answer.

"You promise you'll tell me if I'm too heavy?"

"Promise." He nods, turning around and bending down a little so you could jump on.

You suck in a deep breath, standing up from your chair. You walk up behind Ross and grip his shoulders, then hoisting yourself up onto his back, already seeing you're too heavy. You feel the heat behind your eyes, but you ignore it, letting Ross walk you over to where the start line was for the race.

"On your marks, get set, go!" Stormie says, signalling everyone to take off running down the sand.

Everyone starts running, and they were gaining speed on you and Ross. You knew you were too haevy by the way Ross was out breath before even starting the race. He starts to run, then all of a sudden, you both drop to the sand.

"Are you okay?" Ross whispers so only you could hear.

You don't answer, you just run to the Lynch's beach house, your hands covering your face with your tears coming down in waterfalls, up to the bathroom, locking the door. You slide to the floor against the back of the door, your knees against your chest.

-- 10 minutes later --

"Babe? You in here?" You hear Ross' voice say softly through the door.

You sniff, wiping away your tears. "Yea," your voice came out hoarse and raw because of all your crying.

"Can I come in?" Ross says again.

You sigh. "I guess."

You stand, waiting for the door to open. You see the door open, and Ross walks in, immediately walking over to you and pulling you into his chest, his arms around your waist.

Ross sighs. "Everyone's worried about you... I didn't know what to say though because I know you don't like me telling other people about your insecurities."

You just stand, embraced in your boyfriend's arms, thinking. 'Why did he choose me? Why did he choose an overrweight, insecure girl out of all those prettier girls?'

"Why did you pick me?" You finally say, craning your neck to look up at your boyfriend.

Ross' eyebrows' crease together. "What do you mean?"

"Out of all those girls that night, you chose me. Not one of the pretty ones, not of the skinny ones, but me. An overweight, insecure-"

"SHUT UP!" Ross raises his voice at you.

Out of the two years you've been dating, he's never raised his voice, not even in fights.

"I'm sorry," he sighs. "It's just - Please, don't talk about yourself like that. I don't think of you as-"

"Yes you do!" You cry. "That's the thing, Ross! You lie to me, and I can tell because you're just trying to make me feel better about myself!"

Ross shakes his head, then sits on the closed toilet lid, his head in his hands. "(Y/N), c'mere."

You walk to Ross, standing in between his thighs.

"Sit," he says, motioning to his lap.

You sigh.

"(Y/N), sit. You're not too heavy," he says, trying to not loose his temper. "Just... Sit."

He moves his arms, which were resting on his knees, cradling his face, letting you sit, and immediately after, his arms go around you.

"Why do you think this way?" Ross asks you after a moment.

"You know why," you sigh, looking down.

Ross doesn't say anything, he just picks you up bridal style and taks you to his bedroom, closing the door, and laying you on his bed.

"What are you doing?" You ask your boyfriend.

"This," he says, as he hovers over you.

"Ross, you know I told you I wanted to wait until after marriag-"

Ross shakes his head. "No, we're not doing that. I'm doing something else. Listen." 

Ross takes the hem of your tank top in his hands, pulling up your body. You immediately cross your arms over your chest, blocking him the access of pulling it up anymore.

Ross sighs. "Babe, trust me, this'll make you feel better."

You sigh, putting your arms back at your sides. Once Ross has your tank top fully off, he stares for a minute, in admiration, and love. Your eyebrows crease. Does he really love your body that much, even if you didn't see it the way he did?

"Ross?" You say softly, not wanting to startle him.

Ross leans down, kissing your stomach. "I love this," he pauses, bringing his head up to see your face, kissing your eyelids, cheeks, and jaw. "And this."

He takes his head down again, unbuttoning your shorts. You let him go this time, because you know he wasn't doing anything (if you know what I mean).

"I absolutely love these," he says in between kisses on your thighs. "You're so, so beautiful."

After a moment, Ross looks up at you. "But why do you love those the most?"

"Because, that's what I loved the most when I first met you, and I still do and always will." He says, kissing your forehead gently, lying down beside you.

"So you don't care that I'm overweight?" You ask.

Ross shakes his head. "No, I never have. That's not what's on the inside."

He pulls the comforter over the both of you, pulling you into his chest, both of you falling in to a deep sleep.


A/N: Hi!

I'm back from my trip! I missed you guys! Haha

I'll update what I've written tomorrow; I'm like SO tired omg lol I promise I will though! :)

I love you all,

~Ashley xx

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