He Meets Your Parents For The First Time

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He Meets Your Parents For The First Time

Ross: You and Ross walk up to your parents front door, Ross biting his lip nervously. "What if they don't like me?" Ross turns to you, right before you were about to knock on the door. "They'll love you," you smile, kissing his cheek. You turn to face the door, knocking. The door opens to reveal your mom. "(Y/N)! Who is this fine young man?" Your mom smiles at you, looking at Ross. "This is Ross, Ross this is my mom." You say, taking a hold of Ross' hand. "Hello, Ross," she smiles. "C'mon in." Your mom opens the door wider, motioning you to come in. You both walk in, being greeted by your dad. "Hi (Y/N)," he says, pulling you in for a hug. "Who's this young man?" "Dad, this is Ross, Ross this is my dad." You introduce them both, Ross' hand squeezing yours tighter because of his nervousness. "Hi Mr. (Your/Last/Name)," Ross nervously smiles. Your dad smiles at Ross. "Did you watch the most recent hockey game - here, follow me in here - did you see that player's shot?! It was amazing!" Your dad starts to walk into the living room, and let go of Ross' hand. He looks back nervously. You give him a look that says 'Go, it's okay' while smiling. Ross smiles, following your dad into the living room.

Riker: You and Riker were driving to the restaurant where your parents wanted to meet to meet Riker. "What if they don't like me, babe? What if your dad doesn't approve of me being in a band?" Riker babbles at a red light. You place your hand on his thigh, rubbing soothingly. "Rike, they'll love you, don't worry." He glances over at quickly, then sets his gaze back on the road. "But what if-" "Riker, I swear, stop worrying. You're stressing out too much," you pause. "I know why, but my parents aren't that strict when comes to me going out with boys. I'm sure you'll get along just fine." You look over at Riker, who now looks like he was going to pass out any moment. "Pull over the car for a sec, Rike." You say, just as he pulls over the car, turning the key so the motor wasn't running anymore. You turn to your boyfriend. "Riker, please, stop worrying so much. Just be your charming self, and they'll love you." You take both of his hands in yours, caressing them with your thumbs. Riker takes a deep breath, his face going back to its normal colour after taking a few more. "Ready?" You say, as he starts driving to the restaurant again. Riker nods, his eyes not leaving the road. You finally arrive at the restaurant five minutes later, walking toward your parents at their table.

"(Y/N)!" Your mom exclaims, hugging you. Then she turns to Riker. "And you must be Riker," she smiles warmly at him, putting his nerves at ease a little. "We've heard so much about you." "Mom!" You exclaim, your cheeks burning red as Riker chuckles. You all sit down; you across from your mom, Riker across from your dad. "Hello Riker," your dad begins. "So what do you do for a job?" "Well, I'm in a band," Riker says, his nerves not at a lot of ease anymore. "Oh yes, (Y/N) was telling us," your dad says. "How is your band - R5? - doing?" "We're doing quite well, thank you sir," Riker nervously smiles at your dad. Your dad chuckles.

"Call me (Your/Dad's/First/Name)." You start to talk to your mom about how things are at home - you moved out awhile ago with Riker - until you hear "Did you see his play?! It was ridiculous!" "I know, right?! IT WAS LIKE, NOT EVEN ALLOWED!" Riker and your dad were getting along quite well, their conversation making you smile and giggle a little at their enthusiasm about sports.

Rocky: Your family was having a barbecue and had invited you and Rocky to come along and join them at the park that was only a five minute walk from yours and Rocky's shared home. You walk down the stairs from your bedroom to see Rocky pacing neat the front entrance, talking to himself in a harsh whisper. "What if they don't approve of the band?! What if they don't want me with (Y/N)?! Oh my god, this turn out any way it wants to, it could end our relationship!" You giggle slightly at his nervousness, making his head snap up. "Oh, hi (Y/N). I didn't know you were there," Rocky says, still in his previous nervous state. "Why were you laughing?" "I was laughing because," you pause. "You don't need to worry, my parents will love you. Why are you so worried anyway?" You say, walking toward you boyfriend. "(Y/N), what if your parents - well, especially your dad - don't like me, and don't want us together?!" Rocky panics, as you wrap your arms around his waist, your head against his chest. "Just relax, babe. They'll love you, okay?" Rocky sighs. "Okay, lets go." You both walk to the park hand-in-hand. Once you arrive, your parents greet you and Rocky. "So Rocky, what do you do for work?" Your dad asks your boyfriend, who looks scared out of his mind. "W-well, I'm in a band," Rocky says. Your dad chuckles. "Why do you look so scared, son? Am I that scary?" You laugh, making Rocky laugh a little. "What kind of music do you play?" "Pop/Rock, that kinda stuff," Rocky says, easing up a little. Your dad nods. "I used to be in band," he smiles, the memories coming back to him. You roll your eyes. You hated when your dad brought this up because he'd go on for hours. "Dad, please. Save it for another time." You groan, making Rocky chuckle. "Do you watch sports?" Your dad asks of Rocky again. "Yeah," Rocky nods. "Football mostly, though." "Really? Did you watch the most recent game?" "Yeah! But did you see his play in the last quarter?!" "Yeah! It was like, so good! But did you see that quarterback?! He interfered!" "Oh, I know! THEN THE REFEREE DIDN'T EVEN CALL HIM ON IT!" Your dad and Rocky start to make hand motions in the air, to somewhat "emphasize" their points. You giggle a little. Rocky had nothing to worry about.

Ellington: You and Ratliff were at the local cafe; as they wanted to meet Ratliff after hearing all the stories that you had told them. Ratliff was pretty nervous, but he was alright. he was pretty confident that your parents would like him. At the moment, your dad and Ratliff were talking about Ell being in R5. "What instrument do you play, son?" Your dad asks him. "Drums, sir," Ell says. Your dad nods. "I used to play drums, I could teach you a few things." Ratliff nods. "Okay, when are you free? I have this whole week off." "Alright, what about tomorrow?" "Okay, what time?" Their conversation was mostly about, well, drums.

Ryland: You once had told your parents that Ryland played hockey, so they wanted to watch one of his games with Ross, Riker, and Rocky. You told Ryland about this, and he freaked out. "What if I mess up?! What if they're not impressed?!" He babbles. "Just pretend like I'm the only one in the stands, okay? That might calm your nerves a little." You say, trying to calm him down as he sits on the bench beside the outdoor ice rink. He just nods, staring at the patch of ice. "Ryland, bud, c'mon! Time to play!" Ross calls his younger brother over. Ryland stands turning to you. "No matter what happens with your parents, I love you." He kisses your forehead, then leans down to grab his helmet, places it on his head, and ears out onto the ice. You walk to the stands - well, benches on the other side of the rink - and sit with your parents. "How long has he been playing?" Your dad asks, obviously impressed. "Ever since he was young," you respond, as you look to see Ryland on the bench, smiling at you. You mouth 'My dad's pretty impressed', along with a wink. He smiles wider, knowing he was going to get along with your dad. After the hockey game, Ryland walks over to you and your parents. "Hi Mr and Mrs (Y/L/N)," he smiles nervously. "Hi, Ryland, no need to be nervous, we don't bite." Your mom smiles at Ryland, teasing him. He laughs nervously, his nerves having the best of him. "Hello, Ryland," your dad starts. "(Y/N) has told us about your many hockey stories, and how you're a very good player. But she never told us you were this good!" He exclaims. Ryland still has the same nervous smile on his face. "She's told you about my hockey skills? I don't think I'm that good," he says. "But you are! What do you say, after you chafe out your hockey pads and everything, we talk about this over a coffee? At our house? That would be nice," your dad suggests. Ryland nods, smiling his normal smile, relaxing a little. "Okay, I'll meet you over in the parking lot." He says, as he skates away to the - well, if you really wanted to call it - dressing room. You smile. Your parents and Ryland got along perfectly.

A/N: Hi!

So as I said in my author's note, I'm going away to the States tomorrow, and won't be back until Saturday or Sunday.

Thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much, I can't even explain.

Until the next update,

~Ashley xx

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