Ross Imagine For Ephasia

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Ross Imagine For Ephasia

A/N: This one is for @Jonesy14 ! And, as I said before: this imagine was requested before I closed requests. I'll let everyone know when requests are open again. ~Ash


I was hanging out at the Lynches house today with Ross, but suddenly, everyone walked in with sad expressions on their faces.

"Ephasia, can Mark and I talk to the kids alone?" Stormie asks and I nod, pecking Ross' cheek, walking upstairs, sitting on Ross' bed in his and Ryland's room.

I hear soft voices downstairs, but I can only bits and pieces of the conversation.


My eyes widen, but tears fill my eyes. Did Stormie and Mark dislike me that much?

"But she's getting in the way of your career, son!" Mark keeps his tone somewhat calm, but his voice is still loud.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE ALL OF YOU! YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY, AND THE ONE PERSON WHO IS MAKING ME HAPPY IS GETTING TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!" I could tell that Ross' voice cracked at the end, making my tears silently spill over.

I walk to the top of the stairs, fully visible to everyone. "I'm sorry," I whisper, walking down. "I'll always love you, Ross, remember that. But if I'm getting in the way, I think this is the best for the both of us." I run as fast as I can home, and up to my bedroom, burying my head in one of Ross' sweatshirts I stole from him, taking in his scent.

-- that night --

"Thanks for tuning in for the 10 o'clock news. The first story we have for you is live," the newslady says on the news. "Ross Lynch is on he highest bridge in LA, and it looks like he's about to jump. When we tried to get more detail from him himself, all he said was his girlfriend's name, Ephasia."

My eyes widen, and I sprint down the stairs, getting in my car, driving as fast as I can.

I arrive, running to where Ross was at the very edge, just about to jump.

"Ross! No!" I cry, and I hug his waist from behind, burying my face in his back. "If you jump, I jump, Ross." He turns around in my arms, then takes us away from the edge.

"I love you," he whispers. "And no one can change that. Not even my family."

"We're sorry," Stormie comes over to us as we hug. "We didn't realize your relationship meant this much." Ross gets his mom in our hug with us. "Mom, just think of it as you and Dad. How much does Dad mean to you?" She smiles lightly at Mark. "The world." She walks to him, and they hug.

"I love you too, Ross," I answer his statement from earlier. He smiles softly at me, leaning down, and his lips meet mine softly.


A/N: Hiya!

Now as I said this imagine was requested before the requests were closed. But I'll let everyone know when they're open again.

I'll update soon. :)

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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