A/N - Hi hi

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Hi loves.

I'm really sorry about not updating recently. With everything going on at home to school, I can't really find time. But I finally did right now just to say that I may be able to update later today.

And I dunno, lately, everyone's been hating on my love for R5. I don't even know why. Like my sister. I was just watching one of R5's acoustic videos, and she's all like "you only like it because of them. you don't even like they're music. Oh, and by the way, they sound bad, just to let you know." And I didn't know what to say because if I did, she'd think I'm just saying it because I like them. So yeah, that's my life in a nutshell.

Anyway, I love you all, and hopefully I'll update soon. :)

Your writer,

~Ash xoxo

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