Ryland Imagine For Bree

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Ryland Imagine For Bree

A/N: This imagine is for @DutchR5Family ! Hope you enjoy, Bree!
Oh, and here's a legend:
(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name
(Y/S/N) = Your Sister's Name

~Ashley xx


Today was the day. I've been waiting for this day for ages. I'm getting married to the love of your life, Ryland.

At the moment, my makeup crew (my sister and best friend), were helping me look my best.

"There, all done Bree!" (Y/S/N) says. "You look gorgeous! Ryland's going to be drooling over you!"

I laugh a little. "Thanks, (Your/Sister's/Name)," I say.

"Bree! Open the door! I wanna see my beautiful bride!" Ryland calls through the closed door.

I giggle a little. "No Ry! You're not supposed to see me until I walk down the aisle!"

Ryland groans. "Pleeeeaaasssseeee? With a cherry on top?"

I giggle again. "Nope! You gotta wait! See you out there, babe!"

Ryland eventually walks away with his brothers and sister, and Ratliff of course, getting ready to watch me walk down the aisle.

-- when you're about to walk down the aisle --

"You ready?" Dad asks me softly.

"Yeah," I say.

"Alright, let's go." He says, hooking his arm with mine, just as the music starts.

As we walk through the church double doors, everyone's eyes are on us. Ryland looks up and our eyes lock. He smiles, as I send a small, nervous smile his way. Once we arrive at the altar, Dad hands me away to Ryland, who helps me up the steps.

"Don't be nervous, babe," Ryland whispers in my ear as the priest starts to read out vows.

I nod slightly, sending a grateful smile his way.

"Ryland, do you take Bree (Y/L/N) as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest finally asks my husband-to-be.

"I do," Ryland smiles at me.

The priest turns to me. "Bree, do you take Ryland Lynch as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I return Ryland's smile.

"You may kiss the bride!" The priest says.

Ryland wraps his arms around my waist, my arms wrapping around his neck, as he leans in and kisses me softly as everyone claps and cheers. We both pull away smiling.

"I love you, Bree." Ryland says, still smiling at me.

"I love you too, Ry."


A/N: Hi!

So here's your personal imagine Bree! I hope you liked it!

If you didn't like it, I'm really sorry! But I thought you'd like getting married to Ryland ;) haha!

And @Rylands_only_babe if you're reading this, I'll have your imagine up in a few minutes!

Love ya all,

~Ashley xx

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