"Steal My Girl" - Song Preference

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"Steal My Girl" - Song Preference

// (( hey! Just to update all of you, I may not be on as often as I have been the past few days, because I'll be spending some time with the fam for xmas. But I'll try to be on...

... what's happening right now in life for you? If it's too personal to answer, you don't have to. But, at the moment, I'm pretty busy with xmas (haha) and lots of stuff happening at home, but yeah. Love you all,

-ash xoxo )) //


Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody wanna take her heart away

"Hey there (Y/N)," a drunk guy at the club you came to with your boyfriend, Ross, smirks at you in his drunken state. "Get away from me." You make a disgusted face at him, attempting to walk away, but he grips your hips. "You're not going anywhere." He slurs in your ear, and suddenly, you don't feel his hands on you, but a voice. "Stay away from her!" Ross hollers at him, about to throw a punch, but you grab his arm. "Ross, it's okay. I'm okay." He sighs, turning to you. "Okay. I just want to show him what's mine, and only mine." You smile slightly as he pecks your lips.


She knows, she knows that I've never let down her down before

Riker had texted you to meet him at the local movie theater, and you were there, waiting. "Babe!" You hear your boyfriend's voice call, and you turn to see him running toward you. He stops in front of you, a little out of breath, and he catches it before saying, "I'm so sorry for being late." You laugh. "You're only two minutes late. Don't worry about it, Riker." "You sure?" "Yeah, don't worry about it." You smile.


Every jaw drop when she's in those jeans, alright

You and Rocky decided that you wanted to get out of the tour bus for a bit and do some sight-seeing. As you walked through a local park, you heard a few whistles from behind you, so you turned around and saw three boys, all aged at about your age. "Lookin' good, sweet thang! You wanna come over here?" One of the smirks, making it really obvious that he was staring at your backside. Rocky's arm immediately finds your waist protectively. "Keep your eyes on your own property!" He calls to them in a jealous and angry tone. You giggle a little, as you two start to walk away from them. "Don't worry, Rocky. I'm all yours."


Cause she is the one, her mom calls me 'love,' her dad calls me 'son'

"Don't be so nervous. They love you." You walk into your parents house, getting greeted right away, then getting sat down right away by your mom to eat. "This is really good, Mrs (Y/L/N)." Ellington smiles at your mom. "Call me (Y/M/F/N), love," she chuckles. "So, son, how's everything with you and my little girl?" Ell smiles nervously at your dad. "Good, sir. If you want, I could call you everyday or so with an update." He jokes, and your dad laughs.


(His POV)

I don't exist, the sun don't shine, the world don't turn if I don't have her

This sucks. All of this sucks without (Y/N) being here. I'm not saying that I wouldn't want to be on tour, but it's just hard. I'm having girlfriend withdrawls (pouts). And the time differences. Oh gosh, don't get me started on that. It's just ridiculous. And sometimes, on accident, I make (Y/N) stay up past midnight to Skype. Oops...? But I don't think she minds much... well, at least I think she doesn't.

// (( hey hey! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVE! As you can tell, I'm very excited haha! But tomorrow, I don't know if I'll be able to update, but I'll see. Hopefully I'll get at least one update in. Love you all,

-ash xoxo )) //

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