Self Harm - Rocky Imagine

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Self Harm – Rocky Imagine

A/N: Hey! So I thought I’d write a Rocky imagine and post it. It’s only because I don’t really have any ideas for prefs. So comment some please! :D ~Ash


*your POV*

Rocky and I have been together for a year and a half now, but before I ever met him, I used to cut. Rocky doesn’t know, and I’m not planning on telling him anytime soon. I don’t want anyone to know, because I’m afraid they’ll judge me because of my past.

“Babe?” Rocky walks into our shared bedroom, surprising me, because I didn’t expect him home until a little later so I was wearing just a tank top and some pajama shorts, my scars clearly visible. Rocky’s eyes immediately land on them, scanning up and down my arms and the ones that my shorts didn’t quite cover on my thighs. “(Y/N)… why?” He walks closer to me, until he stands in front of me.

I don’t answer. I wasn’t planning on him finding out this way; not even at all.

“Baby, you’re beautiful,” he whispers. “Why did you do this?” I shake my head, looking down, tears filling my eyes, threatening to spill over. His arms find my waist, pulling me into his chest, letting my tears soak his shirt.

“Shh,” he coos, sitting us on the bed, then laying me down, his lips finding my arms, kissing each and every scar. “You’re so beautiful. So so beautiful.” He whispers in between kisses.

He moves down to my thighs, slipping off my shorts gently, scanning my scars there. “Please. Don’t ever do this again to yourself. You have to promise me, (Y/N).” Rocky brings his face up to meet mine.

“This was before I met you,” I whisper. “I know, but if you’re tempted to do it again, don’t. Come, come to me and talk. And even if we stay up until the middle of the night, I don’t care. Just as long as you’re okay, I’m okay.” He plants a soft kiss to my lips, and not long after, his lips travel around my face, landing on mine again.

Rocky lays beside me, then faces me on his side, pulling me into his chest again.

“I love you, you know that, right?”

“Yeah. Love you too, Rocky.”


A/N: Hiya!

I just thought I’d write this because I thought you guys deserved an update. I feel really bad for not updating in so long. And if you’ve stopped reading this book for that reason, I’m really sorry. I wish I had more free time, but that’s life in a nutshell I guess. :p

Also, this imagine was not, in any way, meant to be triggering. All of you, are worth more than gold. And if you’ve ever self-harmed in any way, please, I beg of you, don’t ever do it again. You’re worth more than gold, and I love you. Everyone loves you. Sure, there might be some people out there who don’t take the greatest liking to you, but you have everyone else.

And if any of you ever need to talk, I’m just a PM away.

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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