He's In The Delivery Room With You

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He's In The Delivery Room With You

Ross: "A few more pushes, (Y/N)! The baby's almost here!" The nurse says to you urgently as you push as hard as you can. "You're doing great babe," your husband Ross says from beside you, as you squeeze his hand, like it would subside the pain of the delivery. "One more push!" The nurse urgently says again, as you push one more time and you hear a baby's cry come from the foot of your hospital bed. "Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl," the nurse smiles at you and Ross, placing your baby girl in your arms after she was washed and dressed. "She's so beautiful," you breathe. "Just like her mom," Ross kisses your forehead, then pulls back sniffling. "Are you crying, Ross?" You tease. "No, I am most definitely not crying," he pauses. "I'm just so happy. We have a family now, (Y/N)." "Yeah, we do," you say, kissing your baby girl's soft forehead. "What're we going to name her?" Ross asks you after a moment. "Annabelle Stormie Lynch," you respond, looking up your husband. "Perfect," he says as he leans in. "I love you." He presses his lips against yours in a loving kiss.

Riker: "Welcome to the world, beautiful," Riker says softly to his newborn daughter laying in your arms. "Welcome to the world, Alex Rydel Lynch." You smile as happy tears pour down your cheeks. You couldn't happier. You have everything you need: a loving husband, and just recently, a newborn baby girl in your arms that you could call yours. "Sounds perfect," Riker pauses. "Rydel's gonna be so stoked that we named Alex after her." You giggle a little, knowing that she was going to be so excited to find out. "Yeah, she is." "I love you." "I love you, too."

Rocky: You had just given birth to your baby boy, who was getting washed and clothed by the nurses. "Oh my gosh, babe! We have a baby we can call our own! I can't believe it!" Your fiancé, Rocky, smiled widely at you from beside your hospital bed. You sigh in contentment. "Me neither, Rock, me neither." "Here you are, Mrs. Lynch, your baby boy," the nurse place him in your arms. "What's his name?" "Cole Riker Lynch," you say, smiling up at Rocky. He nods in agreement as the nurse nods and smiles, writing down the information and walks out just as Rydel, Ross, Riker, Ratliff, Ryland, Stormie, and Mark walked in. "Congratulations!" Rydel says to you, smiling down at the little boy in your arms. "Hi there! I'm your Auntie Rydel! I'll keep you in touch with some of my girlfriends when you're older," she winks at you, making you chuckle. Next, it was Ross. "Hi, I'm... Your Uncle Ross? This is all new to me, so you'll have to keep me in check." He says, as you laugh a little at his uncertainty. "Oh I will, Uncle Woss," you say in a baby voice, moving your baby's mouth along with your words. Ross chuckles. Then, it was Ratliff. "Hi there! This is Ratliff, your dad and mom's close friend-" "It's your Uncle Ellington," you interrupt him. Ratliff looks up at you, smiling slightly. "Really?" You nod. "Well, it's your Uncle Ellington - Ell for short - and I can't wait to teach you to play drums! You'll have girls all over you in no time!" You chuckle at his comment as Riker comes up beside you, holding out a finger, your baby boy gripping it with his tiny hand. "Hi," Riker says softly. "This is your Uncle Riker. I can't wait to see you grow up," he pauses, looking at you and Rocky. "And see you grow into a good man in the hands of two great parents." Everyone awes, making you and Rocky's cheeks turn pink, but smile anyway. "Oh, Riker," you pause. "We thought we'd tell you," you pause again. "That Cole is named after you." You smile at him, then lean up, kissing your soon to be brother-in-law's cheek, making him blush. Rocky chuckles a little. "I think someone has a little crush," he teases his brother. "No!" He denies, his cheeks heating up even more, making you chuckle, as Ryland comes to meet Cole. "Hey," he says. "I'm your Uncle Ryland. I'm cooler than your Uncle Riker, Ross and Ell, and even your dad." He says. "No, I'm cooler than you, Ryland!" Rocky protests. Ryland shakes his head. "Who's the one that can DJ and beatbox?" He challenges. Rocky huffs. "You." "Thank you." He smiles in victory as Stormie and Mark greet their newest grandchild.

Ellington: "She's so cute!" Ratliff's mom, Cheryl, coos as she holds your newborn baby girl. "She looks just like you, (Y/N)!" She smiles at you. "Told you," your fiancé, Ell whispers in your ear making you blush. Just then, then Lynches walk into your hospital room. "She's adorable!" Rydel coos along with Cheryl. "I bet she's going to play drums and have the boys all over her!" Rydel adds, teasing you an Ratliff. Ratliff scoffs. "Not on my watch," he takes his baby girl from his mom's arms, holding her away from everyone, making them laugh. "Oh c'mon Ell, lighten up. She's going to grow up someday." You laugh, as he places in your arms. "What are you naming her?" Rocky asks you. "Elizabeth Cheryl Ratliff," you say after a moment, making Cheryl look over at you. "You're really naming her after me?" She asks you, tearing up. "Yeah," you smile. "She deserves a good name, after a good woman." Cheryl hugs you tightly. "Thank you, I can't wait to have you as part of the family."

Ryland: You had just given birth to your baby boy an hour ago, as you were ready to go home. "Ry, I wanna head home." You say to your husband, as he holds your baby boy. "But we still decided on a name, babe," Ryland doesn't answer your request. You think for a moment. "What about Ryder Mark Lynch?" "Sounds prefect," he smiles at you, kissing your forehead. "I'll go get a nurse." Ryland places Ryder in your arms, walking out of the hospital room and comes back with a nurse. "Alrighty, time to get you dressed," the nurse says, plopping a bag of your clothes on the bed. Ryland takes Ryder from your arms. "I'll wait out in the waiting room." He kisses your forehead again, walking out with your baby boy in his arms. Soon after, you're wheeled out in a wheel chair by the nurse to the waiting room. "Thank you," you smile at the nurse. "My pleasure," she smiles warmly at you. Ryland wheels you out to the car, helping you in, since you were still sore. "How do you buckle this?!" He says out of frustration to himself, making you giggle. He sighs.
"(Y/N), how do you do this?" You giggle again, walking to the backseat of the car, and buckling Ryder in with no effort at all. "But h-how'd you do that?!" Ryland gapes at you. You laugh a little. "It just takes skill, I guess." You kiss his cheek and soon after both of you climb in the car, driving home.

A/N: Hi!

I'm feeling really down at the moment, my life isn't being the nicest right now, so bear with me on the updates please!

My family life isn't any better right now either, it's really crappy. I feel so alone... Can any of you help?

Thank you so much for over 2K reads!! I love all of you! Thanks for sticking with me when I take a long time to update haha :P

I also need to ask all of you a question... Is it odd that I haven't had my first kiss yet, and I'm 14? All of my friends have had theirs... Comment if you think it's normal or not! I need some advice please!

Love ya,

~Ashley xoxo

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