You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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Ross: You weren't expecting Ross home for the next half an hour, so you took a pregnancy test to confirm your suspicions. "Babe! I'm home!" Ross calls into the house, closing the front door. You hadn't realized you took this long in the bathroom. At the moment, you were staring at the plus sign on the test that appeared. You hear Ross' footsteps coming up to your bedroom, where you were in the bathroom. Your eyes widen as you panic, putting the test under the sink and walking out of the bathroom, somewhat calmly, and sitting on your bed. "Hey babe," Ross says, sitting beside you, pulling you into a hug, kissing your hair. "Hi Ross," you say, trying not to sound nervous. What if Ross didn't want a baby?, you think. "Whatcha thinking about?" Ross asks you, pullng you into his lap. "Nothing," you smoothly lie. Ross raises an eyebrow. "Okay, if you say so. I'll be right back, gotta use the bathroom." You suck in a harsh breath. What if he sees the test?, you think. Ross comes out of the bathroom trying to hold back a smile. "What's this?" he asks, holding up the test. Your eyes widen, then go back to their normal state as you gulp. "A p-pregnancy t-test," you say. Ross' smile only widens. "Is it yours?" "How'd you find it?" "I had to grab a refill of the hand soap," he says. "Now answer my question." "Y-yes, Ross. Please don't be-" You were cut off by your husband smashing his lips to yours. "I'm going to be a dad! I gotta go tell everyone!" He exclaims, grabbing his phone, calling everyone he knew, causing you to smile.

Riker: You and your boyfriend of three and half years, Riker, were cuddled on the couch in a comfortable silence, when the thought of having a baby came to mind. You've known you've been pregnant for a month now, and if you didn't tell Riker soon, he's going to start to notice. Worry takes over your mind. What if he doesn't want a baby?, you think. "What are you thinking about, love?" Your boyfriend asks you, noticing the worry taking over your features. "Oh, uh, nothing Rike. Just a lot on my mind." Riker nods, going back to his own thoughts, his arm still around you. You take a deep breath, building up the courage to tell him. "Riker, I have something to tell you." You say, looking up at him. He looks down at you expectantly, waiting for you to go on. "I'm... I'm p-pregnant." You finally say, waiting for his reaction. Riker's eyes widen, then go back to their normal state, his face lighting up with a smile so big that his lips could fall of his face. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD! OH MY GOSH, THIS IS GREAT (Y/N)! I gotta go tell everyone!" Your boyfriend excitedly jumps off the couch, running to grab his phone, making you smile. "Ross, guess what?!?! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" You hear Riker excitedly shout into the phone, talking to his younger brother. You chuckle at excitement.

Rocky: You and your husband of three years, Rocky, had been trying for a baby for so long, you'd given up hope. The tests were always the same: miscarriage. But at the moment, you and Rocky were sitting in the doctor's, waiting for him to come back with the results of the test. "What if it's not positive, Rock?" You turn to your husband, who was staring at the floor intently. "What?" He says, startled. "It will be, and if it isn't, we'll try again. It's gonna work out (Y/N), I promise." Rocky pulls you in to his chest as you feel yourself let out shaky, worried breath. "Hello again, Mr and Mrs. Lynch, I have the results." The doctor announces, walking into the room where you were waiting anxiously. Both you and Rocky slide to edge of your seats, anxiously wanting the results. "Now, you've told me that you've been trying for awhile, am I right?" The doctor says to the two of you. Rocky nods. "Yes," "Well, you won't have to anymore... You're having a baby." She smiles happily for the two of us, as we both find ourselves smiling at each other, then before I know what's happening, Rocky has me in a bone-crushing embrace. "We're having a baby, (Y/N)." He says, still in half realization, half happiness. You smile. I'm having our baby, you think. "Thank you," Rocky says to the doctor as you walk out of the room with her. "My pleasure. Have a nice day." She smiles warmly at us as we walk out to our car. We both sit climb into the car. "I gotta call Mom, and Riker! And Rydel! And, like, everyone!" Rocky exclaims, the smile never leaving his face as he puts the phone up to his ear. "Hi... Guess what?!?! (Y/N)'s pregnant! I'm going to be a dad, Mom!" Rocky exclaims loudly into his phone, making you chuckle.

Ellington: "(Y/N)! C'mere for a sec!" Your fiancé Ratliff calls to you from your upstairs washroom. You walk up the stairs, and into the washroom. "Yes, Ell - what are you holding?" You panic, as you see what Ratliff was holding. Your pregnancy test. "Well, I found this sticking out of the trash... Is it true?" You could hear the hope in his voice. "Have you read what it says?" You say, trying to hold back your giggle, but letting out a little giggle. Ratliff rolls his eyes. "Obviously. Why didn't you tell me?" He walks toward you, placing the test on the counter, wrapping his arms around your waist once he approaches you. You look down. "I didn't think you'd want a baby." Your fiancé lifts your chin with his index finger, looking into your eyes. "Why would you think that? I've always wanted a Ell Junior running around here!" He jokes, making you giggle. He smiles. "I'm going to be a dad," he breathes, crouching down to face your stomach. "Hey there Ell Junior or (Y/N) Junior. This is Daddy, I can't wait till you arrive in to the world." You smile down at your soon-to-be husband, chuckling at his silliness.

Ryland: For about two weeks now, you've had morning sickness. You have no idea why, but you just kind of go with it to see if it'll go away. Ryland has been worried about it, always asking what's going with you. "What's up, babe?! You're, like, throwing up non-stop, and there isn't anything that you know of that's causing it... What is up?" "I dunno," you say. You've already taken a pregnancy test, and it told you were pregnant, but you haven't mustered up the courage to tell Ryland. "Ry... I can't keep it from you any longer," you say. "What have you been keeping from me?" "I'm pregnant. I'm sorry, I'll go and see if abort-" "No, you're not looking at abortion as an option. We're keeping our baby. I know we're young, but we can do it. Together." He says, pulling you into his chest, letting his chin rest atop your head.

A/N: Hello!

Omg there's like over 600 reads now, I can't believe it. Thank you so much, every single one of you! You've changed my life for the better; you're the reason I'm smiling! :)

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I love you all (for real, no lies) xx


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