Your First Song As A Married Couple

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Your First Song As A Married Couple

Ross:   Always by Bon Jovi

Riker:   I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith

Rocky:   A song he wrote just for you and your special day.

Ellington:   Classic by MKTO

Ryland:   Smile (I think we all know who this is by) ;)


A/N: Hiya!

Ohmigosh! Okay I know I haven't updated in like forever and I apologize. And I'm sorry my prefs have been sucking lately.

But I give you permission to hate me forever if you want to because I don't update at all anymore. But if you do choose the option of hating me, just remember that I love you all. :)

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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