"Always" - Song Preference

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"Always" - Song Preference

A/N: The song "Always" is by Bon Jovi. It's a great song, so check out the video on the side! ~Ashley xx


Ross:   (His POV)

This Romeo is bleeding, but you can't see his blood, it's nothing but some feelings

I walk down the sidewalk, wishing (Y/N) was beside me, holding my hand. But she's not. She's with some other guy having the time of her life, all because I messed up that night. I messed up big time. I eventually find myself on the swingset at the park where we first met. I swing slowly back and forth, staring at my black Converse. I suddenly hear laughter, so I look up, and what do I see? (Y/N) and her new boyfriend. That should be me laughing with her. We used to do that all the time. I feel the tears stinging at my eyes, and I try to blonk them away. I look down at my shoes again, letting the tears fall freely, since there's no point in holding them in. My tears stream down my cheeks, then drop onto my jeans, leaving stains, making them a darker blue. I really wish (Y/N) was still mine, and I wish that I was still hers.

Riker:   (His POV)

Now I can't sing a love song the way it's meant to be, well I guess I'm not that good anymore, but baby that's just me

I get ready for the show tonight, pulling my guitar strap over my head, letting it rest on my body. "You ready?" Rocky exclaims, clearing pumped for the show. You see, I usually am too, but tonight, I'm not. "Yeah." I pull a fake smile, making Rocky grin at me without any further question. We all run out on stage, Ross starting us off. After a few songs, it was time for "If I Can't Be With You", and it was almost my background part on the bridge. "If I can't be with you, if I can't be with you." I sing, tears stinging at my eyes. I blink them away, and thankfully Ross didn't notice, because he usually notices when something's up. After the show, we all clamber into the tour bus, and I immediately head to my bunk, climbing in, curling into a ball after pulling my blankets over my head, and start to cry softly. I didn't need the others to hear me. Was I not good enough? Was I not good enough for (Y/N)? I don't understand. Now I feel like I won't be good enough for anyone, because I only want to be good enough for one person. And that's (Y/N).


Take a look at my face, there's no price I won't pay to say these words to you

You walk to your door, opening it, to see your ex-boyfriend, Rocky. You two have been broken up for a week now, and he just won't stop calling and texting you. "What do you want, Rocky?" You ask, crossing your arms over your chest, looking up at Rocky. "Please, (Y/N), let me in. I need to talk to you." He pleads. You sigh, letting him in, sitting on the couch with him. "I just wanted to tell you... I still love you." You look at him, puzzled. "You say that now, but what about a week ago when you said I was a clingy b***ch?!" You raise your voice slightly, standing from the couch. Rocky follows suit, staring into your eyes. "I know what I said," he pauses. "And I regret it, a lot. I wish I never had said it, but I can't really take it back... Unless you forgive me..." Rocky says the last part quieter than his normal voice. You sigh, looking away. "Please (Y/N)," Rocky begs, taking your chin in his thumb, index and middle finger, moving your face so he could see you. "I dunno..." You trail off. You had to admit, you still loved Rocky. Sure, he said some hurtful things to you that night, but you know, deep down, he would do anything to take them back. Rocky sighs. "Look at me, (Y/N), and tell me you don't love me too, and I'll leave." You look into Rocky's eyes, finally leaning in and crashing your lips on his. He starts to kiss back, and it gets heated, fast. Rocky lays you down on the couch, running his hands under your shirt, until you stop him. "Does this mean we're still together?" He asks breathlessly, searching your eyes for an answer. You silently nod, cupping Rocky's face in your hands, pulling him down to kiss you again.


You see I've always been a fighter, but without you I give up

You sit on your - well, used to be shared - bed, and lay face down on what used to be Ell's side, clutching his pillow as if it was for dear life. You take in his scent, that was slowly fading away with you. You couldn't do it without Ell, and right now, it's the worst. You feel like nothing, just a piece of garbage flying in the wind along with all your memories. You couldn't do it anymore, you wanted Ell back. But obviously he moved on. You finally stand from your bed, walking into your bathroom. You close the door softly, knowing there was only one thing to do. You had been clean for awhile now, but right now, you were so tempted. You take your blade from the cabinet, sliding down against the door, now sitting on the floor, knees up to your chest. You lean your arm on one of your knees, blade grasped in your other hand, ready to cut. You stare at the scars on your arm for a moment, Ell's voice echoing through your mind. 'However many cuts you'd make on your arm, cut that many on mine.' You ignore his voice echoing in your mind, as you raise your hand that's grasping the blade, letting it hover over your scarred arm. You feel your tears coming down in waterfalls now as you slide the blade against your arm. You start to sob loudly, wishing Ell were here.


I'll be there till the stars don't shine, till the heavens burst, and the words don't rhyme

Sometimes, you wish that that fight never happened all those months ago. Sure, you may still not want to see Ryland, but you know one thing for sure: you'll never stop loving him. "(Y/N)!" You hear name being called. You look up and see Ross striding toward you. Ever since you broke up with Ry, you haven't really talked to the band, but you were always the closest to Ross ever since you met him though Ry. "Hey Ross," you say as he approaches, pulling you into a hug. "How've you been?" He asks. "Pretty good." You try to sound convincing, but Ross knew better. "Tell me the truth." He stares you straight in the eye. You sigh. "I've been miserable." You both sit down at a near table at a local cafe, silence taking over the conversation. You couldn't help but ask the next question, "How's Ryland been?" Ross sighs. "You really want to know?" You nod, as Ross sighs again. "He's been pretty bad. Without you, he's basically nothing. I caught him about to cut." Ross pauses, looking at you for your reaction. "W-what?" You whisper. This was all your fault. You made him feel this way, because you broke up with him. "But he wanted to me to tell you something if I ever talked to you again." Ross prompts. "And what was it?" You whisper, knowing if you spoke louder, your voice would fail you. "That he will be there for you. Always and forever."

A/N: Hi!

Sorry I didn't update earlier! My mom wouldn't let me on the computer or my iPod at all.

This pref is so sad. I cried while writing Ross' and Ell's especially. And for Ell's, please, I beg of you, never do that to yourself. You're worth more than that. You're worth gold. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm just a DM away.

I love you all,

~Ashley xoxo

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