Ross Imagine For Brittney

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Ross Imagine For Brittney

A/N: this imagine is for @ROSSANDBRITTNEY ! Enjoy! ~Ash


I wake up atop Ross' chest, and watch him sleep. I trace random patterns with my fingertip across his bare chest, and his eyelids flutter open.

"Good morning," Ross mumbles in his raspy morning voice. "Morning, handsome. How'd you sleep?"

"Good," he smirks. "I had a dream about us."

"And what was it about?" I ask. I had an idea, but just wanted to hear him say it.

Ross rolls so he's hovering over me, his knees are on either side of my hips.

"This," he whispers, smashing our lips together.

I giggle, breaking the kiss. "You are something else."

His lips start down my neck, but I gently push his chest away, knowing it'll go too far if I don't stop it now. "Babe, you have to go to the studio today."

"No," Ross groans, laying his head on my right shoulder. "I wanna stay here with you."

"I could come with if you want,"

He nods eagerly. "Yeah. Okay, let's get ready!"

I laugh a little at his excitement, jumping into the shower, then getting dressed.


We walk into the studio, everyone greeting us.

"Okay Ross, you have to lay down some chorus stuff," Riker tells him, making him nod, walking into the booth.

When Ross was done recording, he comes and sits back down beside me. Stormie tells us she'll pick up lunch, and leaves the room, leaving only Rydel, Riker, Ross, and I (Ryland, Rocky, and Ellington had gone with Stormie). I suddenly feel a hand traveling up my thigh, nearing the upper area. I look and see Ross staring at me, eyes a darker shade of brown.

"Ross," I hiss quietly, slapping his hand away. "Not in front of everyone."

"I need you though," Ross whispers in my ear seductively, nibbling.

"No," I say softly, scooting myself over a little away from him. "I'm sorry, Ross."

Ross sighs quietly, but nods. I feel bad for rejecting him. It's not that I don't want to, I do. It's just that I don't feel that I'm good enough for Ross. And I don't want to disappoint him when we do.


After we arrive home, I start to make dinner. Standing facing the stovetop, I feel two firm arms wrap around my waist, and a chest against my back.

"Hey baby," Ross whispers in my ear, leaving soft kisses in my neck.

I turn around to face him. "Ross, I'm sorry. I can't." I pull out of his arms, quickly turning all the appliances off, walking up the stairs, and closing our bedroom door and sit on our bed.

I sigh, trying to hold in my tears of embarrassment, putting my head in my hands. I'd never live up to Ross' expectations.

"Brit?" Ross walks in, closing the door behind him softly, then sitting beside me. "What's wrong? Is it me?"

"No," I say, wiping my eyes. "It's nothing, Ross. It wouldn't matter."

"Everything matters to me if it's bothering you," Ross wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer.

"It's..." I try to form words, but I don't want to embarrass myself. "Okay, fine. It's just - me. I'll never live up to your expectations."

"Huh?" He looks down at me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean in bed!" I raise my voice on accident, and I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. But I just don't think I ever will."

"Who told you that?" Ross whispers as he moves so he's on his knees in front of me, face only inches from mine. I don't answer. No one really did. "See, no one. Not even me. But I know you'll exceed my expectations, if you choose."

I blush, and I'm sure my face is as red as a tomato, but smile nonetheless. "Nah, I dunno."

"C'mon, just let loose. Just for tonight," Ross' lips meet mine in a soft kiss.

"I'm all yours." I whisper against his lips, making him smile slightly.


A/N: And you can guess what happens next, Brittney...;)

Ohmigosh I am so so sorry for not updating in the past two days. Please don't hate me. I seriously feel so bad, I'm so so sorry.

Q: Which one of the boys do you ship me with?

A: I can't really answer this. Hah. But um... You could tell me why you ship me with whoever you chose...;)

Again, I'm so so sorry. And I'm going on a short two day trip down to the States again (I live in Canada) to see my grandpa tomorrow, and I'm volunteering all day too. Please don't hate me, because I love all of you! :)

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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