A/N - Hi ♡

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Hi loves.

So I just wanted to update you all on why I haven't been updating. First, it's mostly school. But last night, while I was driving home with my mom in the car, I had a panic attack because we were talking about some type of cream. And I know it  sounds really weird that I get like that over that, but I get really anxious over creams getting put on me by someone else. I don't know why, but I do.

And last night was the worst of the attacks I've had. It was like everything was caving in on me, and then my mom's voice was getting farther away and then I felt light headed and my legs started to shake and after I took a few long deep breaths, we arrived home. And I barely knew what happened until after, so I was in tears. I don't know if any of you have experienced this before, but I found it really frightening.

Anyway, just thought I'd update all of you after this long time of me not updating.

Never forget that I love you all to bits,

~Ash xoxo

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