He Loves That You...

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He Loves That You...

Ross: ... Play piano, like him! He loves that he can just start talking some chords in a song, and you'll know exactly what he's talking about. Ross especially loves when you ask him to teach you something new on the piano, because there's only one seat, and it may get a little awkward with your arms bumping one another's, so we all know what that means... ;)

Riker: ... Love reading. Some people would call this 'nerdy,' but Riker thinks you look adorable in your reading glasses. He'll always want to know what's happening in the novel you'd be reading at that moment, just so he can hear your voice. He also loves, when you're sitting on the couch with him or wherever, you'll start a conversation about the past books you've read, and Riker loves to hear all the different plots, especially romance.

Rocky: ... Can sing. He's always asking you to, but you always say no, only because you don't think you're very good. He always reassures you you are, then turns a song on he knows you'll rock.

Ellington: ... Are silly, and love pranking with him. Ell loves that he can be himself around you, and just have fun. He also loves that you wouldn't mind pulling pranks on the rest of R5 with him, and the two of you just find it hilarious, where they might not appreciate it as much, but still have a laugh.

Ryland: ... Will do boyish stuff with him, like play football. Ry loves when you suggest on a sunny day to go and play football in the backyard. He also loves when you want to play with him and the boys, because then he can brag about you later.

A/N: Hi!

So sorry for not updating sooner! My mom wouldn't let me on my iPod. :(

Anyway, how's everyone doing? I'm alright, still a little down, though.

Thank you so much for 39K reads, loves! It really does mean a lot. Thank you again to all of you x

Love you all,

~Ashley xoxo

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