A/N - What Is This?

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Hi loves.

Okay so I just need to rant a little.

Everyone says "be yourself," but then everyone judges me for being myself. I don't get that. And then when I am, everyone's all like "Why are you so loud?!" Because that's just me. I'm really loud at times, smiley, and just all around friendly and outgoing and fun. And then this one guy was like "stop liking R5. They suck." I  ignored him, but it got to me. That's just me. I just don't understand. What has this world come to? Telling everyone to be themselves, then judging them for it?

Sorry, loves. I just really needed to get that out because some people just need to get that I'm going to be myself whether they like it or not.

And regarding updates: I am so so sorry for not updating yesterday! I meant to, but I got a little busy with school. I will soon though. :)

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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