He Finds Your Fan Account

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He Finds Your Fan Account

Ross: All you hear as you stand in the kitchen making lunch is Ross' giggles. Your eyebrows furrow and a confused smile comes across your face as you walk into the living room. "What're you looking at that's so funny?" You ask. "Your fan account I found," Ross says in between giggles, just to make himself break into more. Your eyes widen, and you try to his laptop from him. "Nuh uh," he still giggles. "Let's see... Oooooh! This post says 'Omg he's so sexy just give me some of that body!'" He breaks into more giggles, as your cheeks burn, turning a scarlet colour. "Ross!" You groan, embarrassed. "It's funny," he turns to you, wiping his eyes.

Riker: "Uh, babe? What's this?" Riker calls you, adding a laugh at the end, as you walk into the living room, sitting next to him on the couch. Your eyes widen immediately as you snatch his phone from him. "Hey! Give it back!" He takes it back just as fast, scrolling through your account more. "I like this," he smirks at you, making you groan in embarrassment. "'Why's he so sexy? Omg just sTAHP!'" He giggles a little, making you snatch away his phone, closing the browser. "You actually think that though?" He still smirks at you. "Maybe," you tease, making him laugh now.

Rocky: "So a fan tweeted me this link," Rocky tells you, turning the computer to you, showing you your old fan account you haven't posted on in ages, with almost scared eyes, but you could tell he thought it was funny. "Oh, uhm," your cheeks heat up, making Rocky laugh. "Hey! It's not funny!" You glare at him, making laugh more, then he scrolls through your posts, teasing you about every few.

Ellington: "Oh my god can he like stop! Like stop being so sexy Ell!" Ellington walks into your shared bedroom where you sit on your bed, on your phone. "What?" Your eyebrows furrow. "That's what you said about me," he smirks down at you, sitting next to you. You think hard, then remember you had said this about him on your old fan account. Your eyes widen. "Oh..." You mumble. You really think that?" He lays you down fully on your back, knees on either side of your hips. You don't answer, and make him smirk even wider. "So you do?" "No one said that!" "You did though," he giggles, kissing you. "Whatever," you mumble in between kisses.

Ryland: You walk around yours and Ryland's shared bedroom, organizing everything, like lining up all your perfume bottles on your dresser neatly or hanging up all of Ry's hats. "Asdfghjkl why does Ry have to do this to me?! Just look at that lip bite... He makes me feel moist, like a cake!" Ryland walks in, grinning at you. You instantly remember you had posted that caption on a picture of him on an old fan account, and your cheeks heat up. "I make you feel that way?" He smirks down at you, pinning you against the wall. "Well, uh," your voice fails to say any words as Ry smashes his lips against yours. "I'll show you how you make me feel." He whispers in between kisses.

A/N: Hey hey!

Q: what's your fave song lyric?

A: I would a couple faves: "Don't you worry, cause everything's gonna be alright," "The sun don't shine, the sky ain't blue if I can't with you," "There's nothing like us, there's nothing like you and me, together through the storm," and "I will love you baby, always." Okay that was more than a couple, but whatever. Lol.

I have another question: do any of you have something about yourself you might not like, but others do (or don't really notice)?

A: My hair. It's like really curly, and I don't like it that much, but everyone tells me that I have beautiful curls and wish that they had my hair. And my stutter. I don't like it, but most people don't notice it, but people who are close to me do but they don't really notice it.

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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