A/N - Thank you

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Hi loves! :)

I just wanted to make this note to say thank you. I know I've said it a lot, but I truly do mean it.

Thank you for making me smile everyday. Thank you for just reading this. Thank you for letting me vent about my personal issues. Thank you for everything you've done for me. You guys have done a lot for me. You've shown me the brighter side of life, you've shown me that I'm not alone; you're all here for me. And thank you for that.

Just thank you x

I love you all so much,

~Ash xoxo

P.S. For the personal imagines, they'll be up. Please be patient though. I'm writing prefs at the same time, and it's pretty hard. So for now, after this point if you request an imagine, I can't do it. I'm sorry, but there'll be a time where you can request again. Just keep posted.

Again, I love you all.

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