Your Matching Christmas Outfits

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Your Matching Christmas Outfits

// (( hiya! Only 5 days until xmas!! Omg this year went by went fast haha! Your question of the day is...

... has a guy ever called you beautiful? Unfortunately, no. But I've been called ugly a few times, and cute, but yeah. Also, are you excited for xmas or what!? I know I am! Haha! Love you all,

-ash xoxo )) //

Ross:   Rudolph and Claurice

Riker:   The Grinch and his puppy (i have no idea what his name is lol just comment if you know).

Rocky:   Santa and Mrs. Clause

Ellington:   Buddy the Elf and the girl he meets in New York (i dunno what her name is, but if you've seen Elf, just comment what her name is. Lol).

Ryland:   A Christmas tree and star/snowflake/angel (or whatever you put on the top of your xmas tree lol).

// (( hiya again! Okay one more question...

... what is your favourite xmas movie, and why? I love Elf, because I find it pretty funny. I find the stupidest things funny. Yeah, I know, I'm a loser lol. Love you all,

-ash xoxo )) //

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