"Nothing Like Us" - Song Preference

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"Nothing Like Us" - Song Preference

A/N: Hey! So this'll be based off the song Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber. Enjoy! ~Ash



But baby I just want you to see, there's nothing like us, there's nothing like you and me

You and Ross had recently gotten into the biggest fight of your relationship to date, and it caused you to go over and see Rydel and talk about it with her at the Lynch's. You both hear someone coming in the house then Rocky, "Ross, I don't think she wants to see you right now." There's a small silence. "But I need to! I messed up, but I still love her." You hear footsteps coming up then stopping outside Rydel's bedroom door, then a few knocks. "(Y/N) doesn't want to see you, Ross." Rydel tells Ross through the door. "Please Dels, just open the door." She sighs, looking at you, and you shrug, but she opens it anyway, and Ross bursts in, staring at you immediately. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I-I messed up bigtime," his voice cracks. "I love you." Rydel leaves the room, leaving you two alone. Ross approaches you on Rydel's bed, tears in his eyes. "We've been through a lot, (Y/N), and I really don't want it to end like this. Please let it end like this because there isn't anything like us." His lips connect with yours, and they move perfectly in-sync.


Have you been drinking, to take all the pain away

"So how've you been, (Y/N)?" Rydel asks you at one point during your lunch date. You've dreaded this question ever since you broke up with Riker. You've been miserable; drinking away the pain, and not talking to anyone, besides Rydel. "I've been okay," you lie. "Tell me the truth." Rydel knew better. "Miserable," you sigh. "I miss him." She nods, an sympathetic smile on her face. "Y'know, you could talk to him and work things out..." She trails off. "I mean, he's been the same way. Maybe if you tell him first, he'll talk."



Lately I've been thinking, thinking about what we had

I miss her. I really do. I miss everything about (Y/N). Her smile, her laugh, her voice, her hugs, kisses. I miss the way she could brighten my day by just being there for me to talk to. I just... I wish I hadn't f**ked up like I did that night. I was being so stupid, and I realize after, being the idiot I always am. Why did I ever say those things? I'm so, so stupid. You're so, so stupid Rocky. You blew the one chance with the one person - one thing - that makes you happy in this world, and that's (Y/N).



I wish I could give you what you deserve, cause nothing could ever, ever replace you

Can we just go back in time? Go back and start over and forget that I ever kissed that girl at the club that night when (Y/N) was home sick? I hate myself for it, and everyday, the guilt is eating away at me. I really wish I could have given (Y/N) a better boyfriend to have, and I know, until I die, nothing could ever replace (Y/N).


Tell me was it worth it, we were so perfect

You really hate that that happened that night. You really wish it hadn't. "You miss him, don't you?" Rocky shakes you out of your thoughts as we sit in a Starbucks. "Oh - uh," you start. "Yeah. I miss everything we used to do, what he used to do." He nods. "Why don't you talk to him then?" You sigh. "I dunno, do you think I should?" "(Y/N), you two were perfect. You were so happy, but look at you now! You're so miserable; I had to force you to come with me here today." You sigh again. He was right. "Okay, okay. I will soon."


A/N: Hey loves!

Here's an update! I like writing these song prefs, do you guys like them? :)

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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