You And Your Child Surprise Him On Tour

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You And Your Child Surprise Him On Tour

Ross: You and your 12 year old son, (Y/S/N), were heading to the concert venue of R5's concert. "I can't wait to see Dad!" (Y/S/N) exclaims, a smile taking over his features. You smile as Rydel approaches you two as you walk backstage. (Y/N)!" She exclaims pulling you into a hug. "Aunt Rydel!" (Y/S/N) says happily, prompting Rydel to hug him. "Hey bud! Here to surprise Dad?" Rydel asks, referring to Ross. He nods his head vigorously, smiling. Rydel looks over to you. "Ross will love this! Don't worry, I'd never tell him!" She smiles, making you smile. "Rock it out there, Ry!" You exclaim, as she runs off to meet the band before running on stage, realizing the shows about to start. Then all of sudden you hear, "Ahhh, READY SET ROCK!" You smile, knowing it was the band. You finally hear the opening chords of 'Forget About You'. You and your son stand backstage, jamming to the music. Suddenly, (Y/S/N) grabs a mic from Ryland and runs on stage and joins in on Ross' solo. "Baby I think I've lost my mind, feels like you've crashed into my life, I keep on losing track of time, I'm messed up, yeah! I'm so messed up!" Ross whips around, his eyes fixed on your son, a smile lighting up his features. Ross' eyes meet yours, the smile still evident on his lips. The songs end, R5 running off stage with (Y/S/N), smiles lighting up their features. Ross runs straight to you, enveloping you in his arms. "Mm, I missed you." He says, snuggling his head in the crook of your neck. You giggle, "Missed you too, babe." Ross brings his head back up, looking into your eyes smiling. "I love you, (Y/N)." He leans in, his lips meeting yours. "Eww," you both hear two voices that belong to Ryland and (Y/S/N). You laugh, breaking the kiss. Ross looks over at his brother chuckling and shaking his head, "Really?" After a few moments you ask, "Did you like the surprise?" "Of course, baby." Ross smiles, kissing your hair.

Riker: You and your daughter, (Y/D/N), were sitting on the couch in Riker's hotel room, waiting for him to come. "When will he get here?" Your 14 year old asks impatiently. "Soon," you chuckle. You both finally hear the door open, then footsteps nearing where you two were, the couch. Riker walks into the room. "(Y/N)!" He exclaims, darting over to you and bringing you into a bone-crushing hug. "Dad!" Your daughter exclaims. "Princess!" Riker exclaims in the same tone, pulling her into a hug. Riker happily sighs. "I missed my girls." You both giggle. "I also missed that." Riker kisses your forehead, then your daughter's.

Rocky: You were waiting until Rocky would come into his dressing; which was where you and (Y/S/N) were waiting for him. You both suddenly hear through the door, "I just miss them both so much, I wish I could see them." Rocky tells his older brother Riker, making you frown at the thought of his sadness, but smile knowing he'll open the door any minute. "It's alright, man. You'll see her soon." Riker reassures him, walking away to his dressing room. You see the knob turning, then the door opens, revealing a frowning Rocky. But when his eyes land on you, his face lights up. "(Y/N)! Babe, how'd you get here? That doesn't matter, you're here!" He hugs you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Hey Rock, miss me?" You tease, pulling away slightly from the hug to see Rocky's expression. "Yes, I did, by the way." He retorts grinning, then softly kisses you. "Eww, c'mon Dad! Save it till later, when I'm not around!" Your 16 year old complains, as you both pull away. "You'll be doing the same soon, son." Rocky points out, walking toward him, pulling him into a hug. "When will I be able to jam out with you on stage?" Your son asks his dad. "Soon, maybe the next venue. You've learned most of the songs, right?" Rocky replies, pulling away from the hug. (Y/S/N) nods, smiling. You found yourself smiling slightly. He's so much like his dad.

Ellington: You and Ratliff had talked on the phone earlier that day. Your phone rings again. "Hey (Y/N)," you recognize as Ross' voice talking. "Hey Ross, what's up?" You say into the phone. "Ratliff really misses you, but I can't tell him you're surprising him. What do you think I should do?" He asks. You think for moment. You and your 8 year old daughter were right outside the tour bus. "Tell Ell to look out the window." "Alright... Wait, you're out there?!" "Shh, Ross! Just tell him to look out." After a moment or so, you hear Ross saying, "Ell, look out the window, there's something I want you to see." You smile, knowing that Ross - well everyone - wanted to see the dazzling smile on Ratliff's face again. You see Ratliff's face poke out the window, his eyes searching for the 'thing'. "Thanks, Ross. Talk to you soon." You hang up the phone, just as Ell's eyes meet yours. "(Y/N)!" He smiles, running off the tour bus, sprinting toward you, bringing you into a bear hug. "Hi Ell," you smile, snuggling into his chest. "Daddy!" Your daughter exclaims, making Ratliff turn around, breaking the hug, facing your daughter. "Princess!" He crouches down to her height, opening his arms, gesturing that he wants a hug. She runs into his arms instantly. "Oh, I missed you guys." He says, standing with his little girl in his arms. "We missed you too, Ell." You walk over to join in on their hug. Your daughter suddenly sees Ryland and Ross walking off the tour bus with a football. "I wanna play!" She calls to them, making them stop in their tracks. "C'mon, princess! We'll teach ya!" Ryland calls her over, as she jumps out of Ratliff's arms, running over to the boys. Ell chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I missed this." He pulls away from the hug slightly, leaning down to kiss you. "And this." He says against your lips, smiling.

Ryland: Your 17 year old son had been missing Ryland immensely. At the moment, you two were in Ryland's hotel room. "Bud, c'mon, you gotta eat. Please, for me?" You plead with your son, trying to feed him; he hasn't in days. "No, Mom! I wanna hang out with Dad! If he was here, I'd eat!" You sigh. "But don't you remember? We're going to surprise him! You'll see him in half an hour! If you eat, I'll buy you new DJing equipment." You persuade him. Your 17 year old finally gives in, eating the plate of food you put infront of him. After he was finished, you started to head out. "Lets go see Dad." You say, locking the hotel room, heading down the hall, toward the elevator. You finally arrive at the venue, to see Ryland DJing for the crowd from backstage. "How's everyone feelin' tonight?" He shouts into his mic. "Everyone will know this song, so sing along!" Ryland starts to turn knobs, but his music doesn't start. His eyebrows furrow, his hands starting to move faster in panic. "I'm sorry, I have to check on the stuff backstage." Ryland runs off stage, past you and your son, sitting in a chair, his head in his hands. You sit beside him. "Ry, it's okay. Just go back out there." You run his back soothingly. Ryland's head shoots up, his eyes meeting yours. "Babe?!" A smile starts to spread across his lips. "What happened out there?" You ask your husband softly, stroking his cheek with your hand. He takes in a shaky breath. "It didn't work right, I dunno. I had it all practiced, and planned." Ryland averts his eyes from yours. "Dad, I can help you!" Your son suggests, Ryland's eyes shooting up from the ground to his son. "Why not? Lets go!" Ryland smiles, pecking your lips, running out on stage again. "I'm back, everything's working now! Here's (Y/S/N), he's here to perform with tonight!" Ryland shouts into the mic, smiling now that he can see his two favourite people.

A/N: Hey everyone!





Until next time,

~Ashley xx

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