"Amnesia" - Song Preference

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"Amnesia" - Song Preference

A/N: This pref will be based off of the "Amnesia" by 5 Seconds of Summer. Enjoy! ~Ashley



Are you somewhere feeling lonely, even though he's right beside you, when he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you

You slide down to the floor against your bedroom door, clutching your phone tightly in one hand, a slip of paper in the other, your tears falling in rapid waterfalls. You just got off the phone with your jerk of a boyfriend, and all you two do is fight. Your knees slide up to be against your chest as you pull open the piece of paper.

'Dear (Y/N),

I'm so sorry for what happened that night. I really do wish it never did happen.

But please remember this: I love you. So much. No one else will ever be able to take your place.

I know that you've moved on, but, I just really needed you to know that.

Forever and always,

-Ross xoxo'  

More tears slip down your cheeks. You know you left someone you know would actually would treat you right.


*His POV*

I remember the day you told me you were leaving, I remember the makeup running down your face, the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every single wish we ever made

I sit on the tour bus couch, running my hands through my hair. I think about that night (Y/N) told me she was leaving, making tears pool at my eyelids, making my vision blurry. At least none of the others are here at the moment to see me like this. "Riker? You in here?" I hear Ross' voice ring through the quiet bus. I frantically wipe my tears. "In here." I call, seeing him walk in. Ross takes in my appearance. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," I smoothly lie just as the tears start rolling down my cheeks. Ross quickly sits down beside me, wrapping me in a hug. "Shh," he coos, just making me cry even more. "Is it her?" I know what - I mean who - he's talking about, because ever since (Y/N) and I broke up, it's been a silent agreement: everyone calls (Y/N) 'her', only because I can't bear hearing her name without crying like a baby. "Yeah," I choke out. "Don't think about it so much," Ross still coos. "She's the one who left you. You're one of the greatest guys I know, Riker. Don't let one reationship mess-up bring you down." Easy for him to say when he didn't have a girlfriend you were going to purpose to.


I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things, like the way felt to fall asleep next to you, and the memories that never can escape

You sit on your window seat, your forearms resting against your knees, as you stare out the window at nothing in particular. You finally tear your eyes from the outside, to stare at your - well, was shared - bed. All the memories flood back into your mind, making tears pool at your eyelids, blurring your vision. You blink them away, knowing that you messed up big time but couldn't change it. Why? Why did it have to happen that night? Why couldn't all this just be a dream? But it wasn't, you reminded yourself. You screwed up big time that night, but you knew on thing: You will always love him.


The pictures you sent me, they're still living in my phone, I'll admit I like to see them, I'll admit feel alone

I scroll through my camera roll, smiling slightly at some of the photos of you and Ell, but frowning at the thought of him. That night you two broke up, it wasn't the nicest. You said some hurtful things, he did too. Your phone suddenly lights up with a call. 'Ell', the caller ID read. Your eyes widen, just staring, but you don't answer. You weren't ready for another mess-up.


It's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long, it's like we never happened, was it just a lie

You walk into Starbucks, spotting your best friend's smiling face as you wave. You walk toward her table, pulling out a chair, sitting down across from her. After awhile of talking, she asked the question - and name - you dreaded to hear. "How are you and Ryland?" You take in a shaky breath, trying to keep from crying. "W-we broke up awhile ago," you say quietly, knowing if you spoke any louder, your voice would fail you. "O-oh," your friend says, realizing. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." You nod, but don't speak. How did he feel right now? The same?


A/N: Hi!

"Amnesia" is so sad. I cried writing all of these, because it would just be so sad being in any of those situations.

Anyway, love you all!

Your writer,

~Ashley xoxo

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