His Reaction To You Crying

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His Reaction To You Crying

Ross: Ross will immediately be by your side, wiping your tears. He'll bring you into his arms, rubbing your back, calming you, then he'll let you sit in his arms until you want to talk about it.

Riker: He'll immediately bring you into his arms, letting you cry into his chest, rubbing your back, whispering comforting words in your ear, until you're calm again.

Rocky: Rocky will hold you, whisper soothing things in your ear, running his fingers through your hair to calm you further. Once you're calm, he'll start to crack jokes just to see that beautiful smile of yours.

Ellington: Ell will hold you until you stop crying, or until your cries subside to sniffs. He'll kiss your head occasionally just to let you know he's there, then his hands will find your sides and lightly tickle, just so he can hear your laugh and see your smile again.

Ryland: Ry may look tough on the outside, but when he sees his girl crying, it's his weakness. When he sees you crying, he'll immediately run over to where you are, bring you into his embrace, and comfort you until your cries subside. He'll occasionally kiss your temple, just to let you know he's there.

A/N: Hey!

Q: what would you name your kids?

A: if I had a son, his name would be Carter Shor and if I had a daughter, her name would be Annabelle Rydel. If I had more than two kids, I don't know what their names would be. Lol. (Or for their first names, I'd have six kids and just name them after RyRy and R5). Lol.

I'm a weirdo ^ lol. But who else would do that? Hah. Thanks for putting up with my weirdness. Hah

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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