He Thinks You Cheated

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He Thinks You Cheated

Ross: "Ross, I'm home!" You call throughout your house to your boyfriend, but not receiving an answer. "Ross?" You call again. No answer. You put down your work bag, slip off your shoes, and walk up to your bedroom to see Ross laying on the bed, face down. You suddenly hear faint cries. "Ross?" You ask, voice full of concern as you rush over to his side. "Don't touch me," he says sharply, turning over so that you could see his face. Tears stained his cheeks, his eyes red and puffy. "R-Ross, what's wrong?" You say. "Oh, don't act like you don't think I don't know!" He stands from your bed, towering over you as you sat. "What do you mea-" "Don't play the innocent card, (Y/N), I saw the pictures!" Ross' eyes full with tears again as he takes out his phone, pulling up the picture of you and your cousin you were meeting at Starbucks a few days earlier. You sigh. "Ross, that's my cousin." Ross' eyes narrow, but then look down at his pink socks. "Oh," he says quietly. "You now have permission to not talk to me forever." You giggle a little, then sigh, opening your arms. "Ross, c'mere." Ross walks over to you, sitting next to you, as you wrap your arms around his waist, his head resting on your shoulder. "Ross," you say after a few moments of silence. "Why do you think I'd cheat? We've been together two years and eleven months, do you really think I'd cheat?" Ross is quiet for a moment. "Well, I dunno," he pauses. "You actually keep track of how long we've been together?" You giggle as you blush, Ross pushing you down down on the bed, hovering over you, smiling. "You're cute when you blush," he says, kissing your heated cheek. "Dork," you tease, grinning. "A dork you love." He winks, making you roll your eyes and smile.

Riker: "I can't believe you!" Riker yells at you as soon as he walks through the front door coming home from the studio. You stare at him, shocked and confused. "What do you mean?" "Don't play the innocent card, (Y/N)! I saw you kissing him!" He still yells, brown eyes full of hurt and anger. "W-what are you - oh, wait, Rike, are you talking about the guy outside the cafe?" Riker nods. You sigh, shaking your head. "No no no, he's a friend - and we weren't kissing, he kissed me on the cheek." Riker pushed you up against the kitchen island, gripping your hips. "No one else can do that but me." He smashes his lips into yours in a feverish kiss. You both pull back, Riker's lips swollen slightly from the force of the kiss. Riker's eyes search yours, as in saying 'I'm sorry for accusing you without talking to you first'. You nod, as in forgiving him. Riker hugs you, kissing your hair. "Bath?" You ask after a few moments. Riker pulls away from the embrace a little, and nods. "Yeah. I'll go start it, and you get everything else." He winks, walking up the stairs, you following behind not long after.

Rocky: "Rocky?" You call softly through the house. You weren't one to talk loudly, even raise your voice in fights. No answer. "Rocky?" You call again, a little louder. "What?" You hear a slight growl from behind you, making you jump as you turn around, facing your angry looking boyfriend Rocky. "What's wrong?" You say. Rocky's eyes stared at you in hurt. "Why?" He harshly whispered. "Why what?" "You," he paused, still harshly whispering. "Cheated." "No, Rocky, if you saw those pictures earlier, they're all edits." You say as calmly as you can. Rocky looked so angry, it's like he was going to hit you. Rocky noticed your scared appearance and immediately his expression softened as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Babe, I'm sorry, okay? Don't ever be scared, I'd never hurt you. Yes, I was angry, but I'd never lay a hand on you." He says, kissing your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a little longer then they usually would.

Ellington: Your boyfriend, Ratliff, had the day off, but he wasn't talking to you. "Ell, what's up?" You ask, your voice full of concern. Ratliff just stares at you blankly, like you hadn't even spoken. "Ell! Why aren't you talking to me?!" You exclaim, getting rather annoyed. He sighs loudly, glaring at you. "Really? Really (Y/N)? You're really doing this when I'm the one that should be annoyed with you!" Ell raises his voice, still in his original position on the couch, you beside him. "What do you mean?!" "What do I mean?! You have got to be kidding, (Y/N)! Don't play dumb, everyone's seen the pictures! You cheated!" Ell's yelling now, standing from the couch, you following not long after. "I didn't cheat - oh, do you mean last week? That was a close friend from school I was catching up with," you pause. "And yeah, he kissed my cheek, but there's no feelings between us, I promise." You finish, looking at your boyfriend, who was looking at you with guilt filled eyes. "I-I'm sorry for accusing-" "No, no, it's okay, just c'mere." You walk toward your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his waist, his arms going around your torso not long after, your nose nuzzling into his chest.

Ryland: You walk into the kitchen after a day out with friends to see Ryland sitting at the table scrolling through his phone. "Hey Ry," you say, walking up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, just to have them flinched off. "What's up?" You ask. Ryland just glares at you. "I can't believe you," he finally says, still glaring, now standing, leaning against the counter, phone in his pocket. Your eyebrows crease together. "What do you mean?" Your boyfriend rolls his eyes. "Really? Have you not seen the pictures all over the Internet, and headlines like '(Y/N) cheating on Ryland?!'?!" You sigh, walking towards him, until you're only inches apart. "You know they're just edits, right?" "B-but they-" "I know," you pause. "But I love you and only you, Ryland." You say as you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him into a hug.

A/N: Hi hi!

Here's another pref for all of you!

I'm sorry it's taking so long for me to update, it's just that my life is really crappy right now, so bear with me please!

Until the next update,

~Ashley xoxo

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