The Other Boys Help Him Pick Out An Engagement Ring For You

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The Other Boys Help Him Pick Out An Engagement Ring For You

Ross: "What about this one, Ross?" Ryland points to a ring through the glass display case, as Ross walks over to observe. "It's nice," he comments. "But I need it to be perfect." He adds, sighing. "I think (Y/N) would like this one," Rocky tells him, making him walk over right away, staring at it. "That's the one!" He exclaims, making all the other boys smile at his happiness.

Riker: Riker was taking forever to pick a ring out for you; it's been over an hour and a half, and his brothers were getting restless. "I think this one's good, Riker," Ross says. "I think we all agree that (Y/N) will love it, right guys?" He emphasizes the last part just to get everyone to nod to convince Riker. But it was a beautiful ring; three diamonds, and smaller ones embedded on those. And it shone perfectly if you turned it the right way. "That one it is," Riker smiles, making the boys smile, relieved, but also happy for him on finally deciding to get married.

Rocky: "C'mon man! You've been looking at the same two for ages," Riker complains, but sighs. "Which one do you like most?" Rocky looks back and forth between the jewelry items. "I like the one on the right," he tells his older brother. "But what would (Y/N) like?" "She'd like anything you pick out," he pauses. "You know her better than me." He nods. "Okay, that one it is." The two boys smile, happy they finally came to a decision.

Ellington: "I need help," Ellington sighs, turning to Rocky. "Which one?" He points to the two rings he was deciding between for you. "Hmm," Rocky leans his chin on his hand as his elbow rests on the glass display case top. "That one." He points to the ring on the left that had four gorgeous diamonds all embedded in a row. "That one's perfect!" He smiles widely. "It's like you know her better than me." Rocky laughs. "Maybe I do." He winks, making Ell chuckle.

Ryland: In front of Ryland, he had four rings set out. They were all so beautiful, and that's why he was having trouble picking; he'd never pick one to match your beauty. "I think this one does," Ross points to one in the middle of the row, and Ryland studies it. "No, it does." He concludes. "You really think so?" Ry turns his head to look at his older brother. "Yea, for sure." He grins.


A/N: Hey!

I loved writing this one, it was requested, so thank you! :)

Q: What's going on in your life right now?

A: Mine's pretty jam-packed, with school and activities at night and things like that. But other then that, nothing much! Just writing for you guys, and I'm loving it! :D

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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