Riker Imagine For Lena

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Riker Imagine For Lena

A/N: Good morning! I feel really bad for not updating like I planned yesterday... I had some family issues to take care of. I'm really sorry I feel so bad, but I'll make it up to all of you!

Anyway, here's your imagine @lenalebui ! Hope you like it!

~Ashley xx


About a week ago, I gave birth to mine and Riker's baby girl, Leanna. Ever since we brought her home, we've been arguing and fighting.

"I'm done with this!" Riker yells at me, eyes full of anger.

I bite my lip to hold in my tears. This is the biggest fight we've had yet, and I didn't want it to end this way.

"N-no, Riker, please, we can work this out." I plead, my voice cracking.

Riker's expression softens slightly as he walks over to me, pulling me into his chest. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

I sniff. "I'm sorry too, Rike, I don't like fighting with you."

Riker sighs. "I dunno, it just hasn't been the same since Leanna got here."

"I know," I pause. "I think we both just need to relax a little. I think we're both a little stressed with all the baby stuff and everything."

I feel Riker nod. "Yea," he pauses. "Bath?"

That's how Riker and I relaxed. Taking a bath. It's nice, because we get to spend quality time together, and relax all at the same time.

"Yeah," I smile up at my husband as he kisses my forehead, leading me to our bedroom, walking through there to the bathroom. Riker starts the bath, then puts in bath beads.

He strips out of his clothes and sits in the tub. "C'mon," he holds his arms open for me.

"Don't look," I smirk, as Riker puts a sly hand over his eyes, obviously seeing everything still.

I pull off my shirt, shorts, and undergarments, then lastly, pulling my hair out of it's messy bun. I walk to the tub, stepping in, then sitting down between Riker's legs, his arms enveloping me from behind.

"I love you," he whispers, kissing my shoulder softly.

"I love you, too." I lean my back against Riker's chest, closing my eyes.

"Tired?" Riker chuckles, looking down at me as I open my eyes.

"Somewhat," I joke. Leanna has been keeping us up all night.

There's a comfortable silence between us. Not one of those comfortable, awkward ones, just comfortable.

I start to think, then have a flashback.

-- Flashback --

"Lena, I'm gonna catch ya!" Riker calls, running behind me in the hall.

I run into our bedroom, flopping down on the bed. Riker walks in our room with a playful grin on his face, laying beside me.

"I win," he says suddenly.

My eyebrows furrow. "But you didn't catch me."

"But I still won," he repeats.

He sits up on the bed. I follow shortly after. "I've won you."

I blush, but smile. Riker's so sweet.

"And I got you this," he says, pulling out a navy blue velvet box from his jeans pocket.

"What's this...?" I wonder aloud.

Riker chuckles. "Open it."

He hands me the box. I open it to see a silver ring. I take it out, reading the words engraved on it. 'Because I've Won You, I've Won The World'.

I look up at Riker again. "Riker, thank you. You didn't have to-"

"Yes I did," he interrupts. "It's my promise."

I smile, tears in my eyes, and hug him tightly.

-- End of Flashback --

"What're you thinking about?" Riker asks softly, kissing my forehead.

"Do you remember when you gave me this?" I motion to the promise ring on my right hand.

Riker nods, smiling a bit. "Yea,"

"Have you still won the world?"

"Yes, because I still have you."


A/N: Hey!

I hope you liked it, Lena! Sorry if my writing's bad, I have a bit of writer's block! But hopefully you enjoyed it! And I also really like the ending, it's sweet, and I hope you like it too!

I'll have prefs up soon! I feel really bad about not having this imagine up or the prefs up yesterday, please don't hate me! I try my best to update as much as I can between family issues to my own.

Love ya,

~Ashley xoxo

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