He Does Your Makeup

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He Does Your Makeup

Ross: You stand infront of your mirror, applying your foundation. "Can I help you?" You suddenly hear someone ask from the doorway. You turn to see Ross leaning against the doorframe, watching you. "I don't know, Ross..." You say, unsure. You didn't know how it would turn out. "Please?" He asks again. You sigh, but send a light smile Ross' way. "Okay, babe, just this once." Ross' face lights up like a Christmas tree as you walk out of the bathroom, handing him your makeup bag, sitting on your bed crossing your legs, Ross doing the same across from you. "Okay, let's see..." Ross mumbles to himself, taking out all your makeup and laying it out on the bed. "What's this supposed to be?" He asks you, holding up your mascara. "That's mascara, babe. It goes on my eyelashes." You laugh. Ross nods, putting it on the bed along with the other items. "Here we go," Ross says, grinning. "Please don't destroy my face, Ross." You say as Ross chuckles. "I'm not that bad at this. I have a sister." He says in a 'duh' tone. You then see Ross pick up your makeup brush, and apply blush to your cheeks. After, you see your eyeliner being put on your lips. You giggle. "What?" Ross says. "You're putting eyeliner on my lips, babe." Ross' cheeks turn red, but he eventually finds the makeup removal wipes in your bag, wiping it off. "There," he grins. "Time for... Wait - what's this?!" He asks, bewildered. "It's eye shadow," you giggle. "Oh..." Ross mumbles, spinning around the compact in his hand. After about 15 minutes, Ross was finally done. "Ta-da!" Ross exclaims, walking you over to the bathroom mirror. You stare at yourself. You didn't look as bad as you thought you would. "You did a pretty good job, babe." You smile at Ross through the mirror, making him grin even wider. "Do I get a reward...?" He hints, making you laugh. "Yeah. C'mere." You turn around, planting your lips on Ross' as a reward kiss.

Riker: "Please let me help you. I promise, I'm not that bad! Even ask Rydel!" Riker whines for the billionth time. You sigh, turning away from your dresser mirror, leaning back against your dresser. "Fine, Rike." You say, as his lips break out into a huge smile. He runs over to you, taking your makeup bag from your hand. "Okay..." He mumbles, taking out a few items. "I need concealer, eyeliner, mascara, some-" "Hold on," Riker interuppts you. "Sorry to stop you, but I think you look beautiful without it." You blush. Riker has always said this. "But, if you really want it on, I guess I won't fight it." Riker says, taking out your mascara. Your eyes widen. "Rike, I don't think you should-" "I won't poke you in the eye, I'm not an idiot." "I dunno..." You're still unsure. Who wouldn't be? This is a guy were talking about, putting makeup on you. "Don't worry, just pretend it's you doing it." Riker assures you, twisting off the cap, revealing the brush. He starts to run it over your eyelashes. "See? I'm not that bad at this." He points out, putting the cap back on the mascara, taking out your eyeliner. "Close your eyes please, babe." You close your eyes, surprised that he even knew what part of your face to put it on. After he was done all your makeup, you turn around and you looked pretty good. "I guess you aren't that bad after all." You turn to your boyfriend, who smiles at you.

Rocky: "I wanna help you!" Rocky complains, staring at you as you try to put on your mascara. But it's pretty hard with someone staring at you. "Rocky!" You sigh, then turn to him. "Okay, fine. You can help me, but only this one time." He smiles widely, taking your makeup bag in his hands. "Okay, I'm going to blindfold you," he smirks, making your eyes widen. "I don't think so, Rocky..." "Aw, c'mon, it'll be fun," he sits you in a chair, tying one of his ties around your head to block your eyes. "All done!" Rocky cheers after about 15 minutes. He untied your blindfold, letting you run over to the mirror. Your jaw drops in horror. You looked... Well, to put it simply, horrible. "Rocky!" You shrieked. "What?" He asked, oblivious. "Nothing," you sigh. "But next time, I'm doing it myself." "You don't look that bad," he mumbles, watching you remove all the makeup he put on.

Ellington: You sigh, frustrated. You had been trying to apply your blush perfectly on each cheek, and it just wasn't working. Today just wasn't your day. "Here, let me help!" Ell chirps from behind you, making you jump. "Oh, you scared me," you breathe. "I'm not sure about that..." "Please? I promise I won't mess it up, because I know how perfect you want it. I've been watching you the whole time." He chuckles, making you smile lightly. "Okay, why not," you hand him your makeup brush and blush, watching him get to work. He had this really adorable concentrated face on, and you couldn't help but giggle a little. "(Y/N)! Don't move!" He scolds you, making you laugh. "Aye, babe! Stop that!" Ell scolds again, finishing up. "There! All done!" He takes you by the shoulders, showing you in the mirror. You were surprised, he did a really good job. "Thanks Ell," you turn to him, grinning. "Now what about that date we were supposed to go on?" He smiles, taking your hand in his, leading you out the door.

Ryland: "What're are you doing, babe - oh, this again? What have I told you?" Ryland walks into your guys' bedroom, watching you out on your makeup. "I know, I know. I look fine without it, but you and I both know I don't." You say, still putting it on. Ryland stares at you for a minute, then takes the bottle of concealer from your hands. "Ryland!" You squeal. "I wanna help you." He says simply, squeezing a bit on his hand, using the other to spread on the rest of your skin, like you were just doing. "There," he smiles softly, turning you towards the mirror. "Doesn't look as bad as I thought it would," you laugh. "I do have a sister, so that says something." He says, laughing along.


A/N: Hi!

If I got any of the makeup stuff and language mixed up, I'm really sorry! I don't wear makeup, so that's why! Hah! :p

Also, I just wanted to say: I love you all. I really do. And thank you. Thank you for sticking around when I put this book on hold and everything.

Thank you again x

Your writer,

~Ashley xoxo

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