It's Your Birthday

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It's Your Birthday

Ross: You were pretty disappointed to find out that your boyfriend, Ross, had to be on tour on your birthday, but you had to deal with it. But today, Stormie decided to fly you out. "(Y/N)! The plane's landed, come on! We have to go!" Stormie says to you, grabbing your hand, leading you to a black van, which already had your baggage in it. Stormie sat in the driver's seat, you in the passenger. "Hi (Y/N)!" You hear behind you. You jump, startled, an turn around to see Rydel. "Delly!" You exclaim smiling, somewhat hugging her. "Where are we, Stormie?" You look around as you pull away from your hug, as the van arrives in front of an arena-type building. "You're going to see Ross," Stormie grins, as she turns off the van engine, climbing out. You follow right after, excited that you're actually going to see your boyfriend after so long and on your birthday. Once you put your bags on the tour bus, you and Rydel walk through the arena backstage hallway. "Hi (Y/N)! I heard it's a pretty lady's birthday today," Rocky smirks down at you, pulling you into a hug, your cheeks heating at his comment. "Happy Birthday, by the way." He adds, making you chuckle, Rydel pulling you farther down the hallway. "(Y/N)! Happy Birthday!" Riker exclaims, pulling you in for quick hug then pulling back. "How've you been?" You and Riker had always been the closest ever since you started going out with Ross. "Thank you," you smile. "I've been pretty good, missing you guys though." You finish, making him chuckle. "Who wouldn't?" He jokes, making you giggle just as you get pulled away by Rydel again. "Delly! I was talking to him!" You complain to your best friend. "But I have to take you to see a certain someone!" She says, then turns to you. "And he doesn't know you're here." She walks until she arrives in front of a door that read 'R5 Dressing Room - Ross'. Your face lights up with a small smile, then Rydel says, "He's been pretty out of it. He hasn't been himself since we left on tour, so try to cheer him up, I know you can." She winks, making you chuckle, then she walks down the hall to her own dressing room. You open the door quietly, walking into Ross' dressing room. "Go away, I don't want to see anyone right now." Ross says, laying face down on his couch. "Don't you want to see me?" You ask him, still standing in front of the closed door. Ross' head snaps up at the sound of your voice. "(Y/N)?!" He asks in disbelief. "Babe!" He runs over to you, enveloping you in his arms. "Oh my god, I missed you so much!" He says, cupping your face in his hands. "I missed you too, Ross," you respond, pecking his nose lightly. He giggles. "That tickles." That made you giggle too, then he looks at you, his brown eyes staring into yours. "Happy Birthday, beautiful." He finally says, kissing you softly.

Riker: Riker had texted you earlier that day to dress up in something nice. You decided on a black fitted dress that complimented your curves nicely, and because you weren't really into the fancy heels and all that jazz - and Riker wouldn't a but either - you wore a pair of black Converse. Just as you were taking out your makeup bag, you hear, "(Y/N), you here?" You instantly recognized the voice as Riker's. "up here!" You call down from your bedroom, as you hear fast footsteps coming up the steps. "(Y/N), where - oh, hello gorgeous!" Riker smirks at your attire you chose, making you blush, but smile. "Hi," you say. "Happy Birthday, baby," Riker wraps his arms around your waist from behind. "Don't put your makeup on. I think you look beautiful without it." You sigh. "Thank you, Rike," you pause. "I know you do, but what if the others see me without it?" Riker sighs as he watches you put on your mascara. "Please, not a lot? Just mascara?" Riker tries. You sigh, giving in. "Fine, only for you babe."

Rocky: You wake to kisses all over your face. Your eyelids flutter open, and your eyes meet Rocky's brown-green ones. "Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!" Rocky smiles widely down at you. You smile slightly. "Thanks, Rock," you say as you peck his lips lightly. "Okay, time to get up!" He says loudly. "We have lots to do for the birthday girl, don't we guys?" Ross, Riker, and Ratliff walk into your bedroom. "Yeah! (Y/N)! It's time to get up! If you don't, we'll sing our horrible good morning song!" Ross playfully threatens you. You and Ross had always been the closest since you started seeing Rocky. "It's not that horrible!" Riker pipes in. You giggle. "Oh, c'mon, it can't be that bad, Ross." You say, sitting up, standing beside Rocky, as he had already gotten up. "Alright, if you insist." Ross grabs Rocky's guitar from it's stand, putting the strap around his shoulder. "One, two, three... TIME TO GET UP (Y/N)! GET UP, OH, TIME. TO. GET. UP!!" Ross, Riker, Ratliff, and Rocky holler in high singing voices, making you go into a fit of hysterical laughter. "See what I mean?" Ross chuckles a bit. "Anyway, let's sing our happy birthday song to (Y/N)!" Riker says, gesturing to Ross to start playing the chords on the guitar. "Happy birthday to you," Rocky starts, walking in front of you, taking your hands in his, smiling. "Happy birthday to you," the others join in. "Happy birthday to (Y/N), happy birthday to you," then Rocky adds, "I, Rocky, love you!" The other boys laugh, making Rocky blush lightly. "It's true," he says, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I have no doubt in that statement." You smile, hugging your boyfriend.

Ellington: You wake to the smell of bacon and eggs, making you sit up in bed. You stretch out your arms, then stand and pull on a pair of Ratliff's sweatpants. You walk down the stairs to be greeted by Rydel, Ross, Riker, and Ryland all holding signs that read 'Happy Birthday (Y/N), from all of us xx', all smiling at you. You smile, just as your boyfriend walks in, cheeks slightly pink, with a plate of breakfast with bacon, eggs, and pancakes. "I didn't know you cooked," you say teasingly to Ell, making him grin. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me." He hands you the plate, that you just notice now that has a little card sticking out of the pile of three pancakes. You pick up the card with one of your hands, the other hand balancing the plate, using your fingers, you somehow open the card to reveal tickets to see your favourite band, Neon Trees. "Oh. Em. Gee Ell! Thank you so much!" You jump up and down. "Don't just thank me, thank everyone else, too. They chipped in for it." Ell says. You turn to the others, thanking them and then sitting down to eat some birthday breakfast.

Ryland: "(Y/N), babe! Are you almost done up there?" Ryland calls up the stairs to you. You were getting ready to go out with your boyfriend at the moment. "Yeah, I'll be done in a minute!" You call back just as Ryland appears in the doorway. "You look beautiful," he says, making you blush. He walks toward you, gripping you hips. "This dress needs to come off," he states. You giggle. "Ry, save it until we get home." "Nuh uh, let's stay here," he starts to kiss your neck, sucking in certain places, making you moan quietly as Ryland smirks against your skin, laying on your shared bed. "Happy Birthday, babe."

A/N: Hey!

Here's another update! It's pretty late where I live, but I might update again anyway :)

Also, comment 😄 if any of my preferences made you smile! (If you're on an android phone, comment ':)')

Love you all,

~Ashley xoxo

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