When He Goes Shopping With You He...

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When He Goes Shopping With You He...

Ross: ... Whines. A lot. He doesn't like shopping - that's an understatement - he hates it. Ross will still go with you, just to see you happy, but he'll mope around complaining the whole time before you joke about breaking up, which shuts him up. He'll always carry your shopping bags for you, making it easier for you to look around. Then after a long day at the mall, you both head home and cuddle in bed and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Riker: ... Doesn't complain. At all. He loves to see you happy, and he's one of those boyfriends who would do anything - I mean anything - to see you happy. You love that he doesn't complain, but you always ask him if he wants to visit any shops that he'd like to check out, but he simply says "No, it's alright, babe. I just like to see you happy."

Rocky: ... Always takes a long time - like, a long time - checking out the shops he wants to go in to. Of course, you're patient, but sometimes Rocky will take over an hour. So finally, after looking at the same thing for that long, you have to pull him out of the shop, telling him you'll come back later.

Ellington: ... Shops with you. He loves seeing you happy, but most of all - he loves to be happy himself. So, he shops with you. You two usually go in to shops that have lady's and men's apparel, so both of you can shop, and be time efficient. But Ell's favourite part is when you do a try on session - fashion show if you will - showing him all the clothes you picked out, making up outfits as you went.

Ryland: ... Goes his separate way. Of course, he loves spending time with you, but he also likes to have some time to himself. You're fine with that, as long as it's not too long of a time period. After you meet up again, Ryland always comes back with something he picked out for you - a necklace, charm bracelet - anything that he thinks you'll like he'll buy for you.

A/N: Hi again!

I'm updating again! Woohoo! Tow updates today!

It's pretty early where I live, so that's why I'm updating twice.

I may update another small pref soon after this, but of course, like I said before, I need to finish some last minute packing.

Your loving writer (who really does love each and every one of you dearly),

~Ashley xoxo

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