Your First Child

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Your First Child

Ross: You and Ross hadn't had any sleep for the past week, because of your newborn daughter, (Y/D/N). Of course you were both happy she finally arrived, it was just a lot of work. You were finally getting a decent sleep, when (Y/D/N) starts to wail from her bedroom. You groan, sitting up in bed, only to be pulled back by Ross. "No baby, stay here, I'll get her." He says kissing your forehead, getting out of bed. "No, no Ross. I'll get her, you stay here." Ross sighs, giving in, much to his dismay of course. "Shh, Mommy's here, it's okay." You rock your baby back and forth in your arms when you suddenly feel two arms around your waist from behind. "Hey baby," Ross says, kissing your shoulder, trailing soft kisses from your shoulder up to your neck. You sigh. "She won't stop crying, Ross." Ross is quiet for a moment, then he surprises you. "Teardrops in your hazel eyes

Can't believe I made you cry

Been so long since we went wrong

But you're still on my mind

Never meant to break your heart

Sometimes things just fall apart

But here's one night to make it right

Before we say goodbye."

Ross lulls your daughter to sleep, her cries finally fading away, replaced with snores.

Riker: "Drink the bottle, c'mon bud." Riker coos your son, trying to feed him a bottle. Your son still refuses to drink the bottle, Riker taking a deep breath trying to contain his frustration. "Bud, just drink it please. Do it for Daddy," he pleads with your son. When (Y/S/N) doesn't start to drink the bottle, he can't hold in his frustration anymore. "(Y/N)! C'mere please! He won't drink the bottle!" Riker calls you from the couch; you were downstairs in the laundry room. "Be right up!" You call up, putting down the stack of clothes you were folding in the laundry basket, then running up the stairs to cater to what Riker needed. He puts (Y/S/N) in your arms. "He won't drink the bottle. Why won't he?" You think of all the possible things that might've made (Y/S/N) not willing to drink it. You and Riker sit down on the couch, your baby boy in your arms. (Y/S/N) starts to drink the bottle without any questions asked. Your eyebrows furrow together. Riker sighs, looking away. "See what I mean? He won't drink for me, but he will for you. I bet it's because I'm a bad dad." Your eyes widen at his comment, and immediately you turned toward him. "No, you aren't, Riker. You're the best dad, I can tell you that. (Y/S/N) is just being fussy; don't take it personally." You put your index finger under Riker's chin, lifting it so you could look into his eyes. "Really?" He asks, smiling slightly. You nod as one of his arms go around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.

Rocky: "(Y/N)! C'mere please!" Your husband Rocky calls from your daughter's bedroom; he was changing your nine month old. "Coming Rock!" You call from the kitchen, running up the stairs to be met by Rocky having some trouble changing 'number 2'. He gives you a look that says 'help please'. You chuckle, standing beside him infront of the changing table. "You go like this, this, and this." You explain, showing your husband how to changer your daughter's diaper. Rocky watches in awe as you change her in minutes. "What?" You giggle, picking your baby girl up off the changing table, laying her down in her bed. "It's just... Just you did that in minutes - how can I do that?!" You giggle a little more, leading him out of your daughter's bedroom. "You'll never know." You tease him, walking back down to the kitchen. "(Y/N)! Come back, I need to know!" Rocky whines, making you laugh.

Ellington: You were over at Ratliff's parents house with your ten month old daughter. "She's so pretty!" Ell's mom gushes over her. You smile, looking over to see Ell talking to his dad. "You really love her, don't you son?" "Yea, she means the world to me." Ratliff smiles, looking at the ground blushing. "You did a good job son, and lookie here! She's staring at ya! You two must be in love!" Ell's dad teases him, making him look up at you, a wider smile spreading across his lips. He walks over, sitting beside you. "Hey," he whispers, kissing your hair, wrapping an arm around your waist. "You two lovebirds! I'll go get snacks." Ell's mom puts (Y/D/N) in your arms, leaving the room. "She looks just like you, Ell." You smiles, kissing your husband's cheek. "Yeah, I think so too." He agrees, full of himself. You couldn't help but giggle, leaning your head on Ell's shoulder.

Ryland: You and Ryland were so excited the first time you brought home your baby boy. It's been a month since then, and Ryland wanted to do everything for you. "Ry, I can do it! Don't worry, I'll let you know when I need help." You say to your husband. "No, (Y/N)! I want to help you; you were carrying him for nine months, still not giving up.

A/N: Hi guys!


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Love you all,

~Ashley xx

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