How He Kisses You

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How He Kisses You

Ross: Ross will pull you in close by the waist, leaving no space between your bodies. Your arms will wrap around his neck as he leans down to softly and passionately kiss you.

Riker: He'll wrap his arms around you, and you'll wrap your arms around his neck, pulling your bodies even closer together. Riker will brush his lips with yours, teasing you. He'll finally smash your lips together, your lips moving in-sync.

Rocky: He'll pull you in by the waist, but with enough space between you two so he bend down to your level; you're a few inches shorter than him. Rocky's tongue will slide across your bottom lip, asking for entrance, but you deny, just to tease your boyfriend.

Ellington: Ell will wrap his arms around your waist, his hands nearing the small of your back. You wrap your arms around his neck, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck as he kisses you softly.

Ryland: He'll always start with a simple kiss, but it'll always turn into a heated make-out session. Your bodies are so close, they're basically touching each other, as Ry slips his tongue across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You allow him entrance, your tongues fight for dominance. Ry eventually wins, but pulls away for air, grinning mischievously at you.

A/N: Hi hi!

I liked writing this pref... How did you guys like it?

I really hope I get my first kiss soon, but of course, I don't want to rush, it's just that all of my friends have had theirs and I guess I feel a little left out of the club. (I guess you could call it 'The Kissing Club.' Lol no xD)

What do you guys think? Any advice on how to feel about it?

Your writer,

~Ashley xoxo

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