When You're Sick

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When You're Sick

// (( I'm writing this one because I'm sick lol. Sorry, but this one is pretty cute sooooo...

... what do you do when you're sick? I usually try to write for you guys {cause you're special xp} or just play games like piano tiles or something stupid like Flappy Bird... Cx

-ash xoxo )) //

Ross: When you're sick, Ross will do anything to see you smile, even if you don't want to. He'll make you soup (even if it's not the best soup xp) and he'll make a blanket fort for the two of you to cuddle, much to your dismay of course because of germs. But he'll dismiss you, pulling you in, holding you as you both watch Netflix.

Riker: He'll come over with tea, and he'll stay with you, and even if you whine at him, he'll get you what you want when you want it.

Rocky: Rocky will do everything in his power to make you laugh. He'll even try his worst jokes, and just because you know he wants to see your beautiful smile, you will, and you'll crack a laugh too.

Ellington: Ell will play board games with you. And sometimes, when you're feeling up to it, you two will play an intense game of Scrabble, like "who can spell the largest word" kind of game.

Ryland: Ry will just be there for you. Even if you tell him to just go home and leave you and you'll be fine, he'll stay, just because he could never be at ease when his girl is in distress.

// (( these were pretty cute :3 x

-ash xoxo )) //

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