A/N - ugh

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Hey loves,

Okay I just need to vent. I hope that's alright.

Okay so I share a room with my older sister, and she's always in there, and I only ask maybe every two weeks to have alone time in there. And it's not even for that long, maybe an hour. And so just five minutes ago, we were arguing about it because she wouldn't let me have some alone time and saying that I can come in there when she's in there. And I get that. But I just want to be alone sometimes, y'know? And right now is one of those times. She's just so stubborn. Ugh.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent a little, loves.

And on a side note, I'll be leaving Friday for my short trip to the States. But I won't be able to update anything tomorrow though because I'll be volunteering all day.

Q: Which one of the boys do you ship me with?

A: I can't really answer this... Hah. But you could tell me why...;)

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

P.S. I'm really sorry that I'm lacking on the updates. Please forgive me.

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