You Do His Makeup

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You Do His Makeup

Ross:   "Sit still!" You scold your boyfriend as he moves around as you try to apply concealer. "No! This stuff is icky. I don't understand how you can wear it." Ross states, making you giggle. "Just sit still and I'll be done sooner." "Just hurry. I don't wanna have this stuff on." He whines, making you laugh. "It isn't funny!" He pouts, making you laugh even more.

Riker:   "Do I have to?" He asks. "Yeah, you do. I'm sorry babe, but on the bright side, after your show, I'll be there to give you a kiss." You say, making Riker grin, and you start your work on his makeup. You finish, and your boyfriend runs out on the stage.

Rocky:   "Can I wear some?" Rocky asks you one morning as he watches you closely as you put on your makeup. "Oh - sure," you send a soft but surprised smile his way, getting him to sit on your shared bed, applying all the makeup you'd put on. "I look like you," Rocky jokes as he looks at himself in the mirror, making you laugh.

Ellington:   One morning, you decided, since you were the first one up, to do Ell's makeup. You have to hold in your uncontrollable giggles as you put it on and take a picture, tweeting, 'Did @ratliffr5 's makeup, how does it look?xD.'

Ryland:   "C'mon! Please Ry?" You beg him for the at least fifth time now. You wanted to try out your new makeup on Ryland before it went on you, but he wouldn't do it. "Okay, okay, fine." He sighs, turning to you on the couch, and you clap your hands in happiness, taking out your makeup, and once you're done, you take a picture. "I don't look that bad," Ryland comments. "I think I look even hotter now, don't ya think?" A smirk grows on his lips. "Oh yeah, you're totally rocking that look, Ry." You giggle, as you help him wipe all of the makeup off.


A/N: Hi!

Thank you to those of you who left the sweet comments on my author's note just before this. I needed to hear those words x

Q: If you could, which celebrity/band member/band would you pick to spend a year with and why?

A: I'd choose R5, because I think it'd be really fun to spend a year with them and see what it's like to see them write and stuff. :)

Love you all,

~Ash xoxo

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