Thank You 1-20-18

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My tears stream down my face,

I don't want you to go...

I don't want you to leave me...

Why must you go?

Don't you love me?

Don't you need me?

I guess not...

I laid my heart down,

And you picked it up...

Than you set it down later on.

Then you stomped on my heart...

Watching it shatter,

Laughing as you walked away.

My blood streamed out,

As you stabbed me.

Wounding me,

Leaving me to bleed to death on the side of the rode...

But somehow,

I don't know how,

I found the strength in the smallest piece of my heart that wasn't broken,

And I fought.

I haven't been fixed,

But I know that he is fixing me...

The guy of my dreams is now there,

Came to my rescue...

He is the love of my life.

I'll always love you,

You have a part of my once broken heart,

But I do not need you to be happy...

I have learned to be happy by myself,

But I enjoy him...

And he knows it.

He worships me,

Making me his queen,

And he's my king...

So madly in love,

We keep falling deeper and deeper in love

I feel special.

Thanks for the broken heart,

If it wasn't for you,

I wouldn't be with him...

Thank you

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