Cut cut,
Bleed bleed.
Poor out like a flood,
Just like your tears.
Cut in the dark,
So you can't see the damage to your skin.
Sit in the tub in the dark,
So you don't see the water change.
Cry the hot tears as you sit there.
Embrace the blade,
He is your friend.
Your drug.
Your love.
Cut cut,
It will make you feel better.
Bleed bleed,
So the hurt will come out.
Cry them tears and carve in the name,
So you can bleed them out.
Scream as the blade digs in,
Sob for your love.
Stab your skin,
To heal.
Try not to think of him,
As your days go on.
Late at night,
Break down and cry,
Just to cut yourself again.
Pray for them to come back into your life,
Just to hurt you again.
Cry as you two fight,
Scream and run out the door,
Just so he can reach out and grasp you,
To tell you he's sorry and loves you.
He is sorry for the bruises and cuts,
He trys to kiss them better.
Bleed out those tears,
Forget him.
Cry out the blood,
That keeps you alive.
Cut cut,
Bleed bleed.
You won't forget him,
Even if you plead.
Sob as the blood and tears mix together.
Short Poems
PoetryWritten: October 23, 2017 By: Jessica Thompson Short poems put together through time December 19, 2016 to current days. So please enjoy, they are my thoughts, and feelings, and everything.