Ask Me If I'm Okay 3-14-18

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Ask me if I'm okay,
I dare ya to.

Ask me if I'm okay,
I'll just say I'm fine.

I won't tell you how I'm breaking,
I won't tell you where I'm bruised.

Ask me if I'm okay,
You will get a weak smile.

Ask me if I'm okay,
You'll get a painful nod.

I won't explain my pain,
Cause I don't know how to.

I won't speak of the restless nights,
Filled with tears and blood streaks.

Ask me if I'm okay,
You won't get a quick response.

Ask me if I'm okay,
I may not even look up.

I won't tell you how much it hurt,
To turn your back on a promise.

I won't tell you about the blood I shed,
Just so I could relieve myself.

Ask me if I'm okay,
And I may not come back the next day.

Just don't ask me,
If I'm okay.

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