My Soul Grieveth 2-8-18

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If I bow down on my knees,
Would the Lord,
Above the seas.
Deliver me,
From my sufferings

If I kneel down,
To the God above,
Would he harken,
To this crying dove?

For I am afraid,
To wake,
Upon my final fate.
For the fear,
That I may bare,
The final curse,
Of the head upon the plate.

For now,
I'll lay down to sleep,
Even though,
I'm in this heap.

I pray,
But it never seems,
That he listens to this mortal beam.

I know this may be a lie,
But it speaks truth,
Till the day I may die.
He covers me with pain and anger,
But it seems that I am not in danger.
Yet my soul grieveth to the one,
Who most say,
Shall deliver us.

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