FOD Chap 1.2

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Chapter 1 .2

Because of their fine genes, Zhou family’s three sons grew up to look pretty good, but since he was the protagonist, Zhou Wenjing naturally looked the most outstanding, his deep and flawless face was like a work of art carefully crafted by God, no matter from which angle of observation, he was perfect.

Compared to him, Zhou Yun Sheng’s facial features felt slightly dull, but his pair of star-like bright peach blossom eyes made up for the gap. When he looked at someone, they wouldn’t know how to feel, when he tilted his head and cast a sidelong glance, the kind of hooking and piercing gaze could flush someone’s ear and pump their heart.

As the deuteragonist, Du Xu Lang’s appearance was almost on par with Zhou Wenjing’s- extremely impeccable handsome face, cut and chiseled. But his ear length hair cut in a layered style, pair of gold-rimmed glasses, gentle mannerisms and friendly smile covered up his strong and sharp aura, which occasionally flowed out when he wasn’t paying attention.

On the surface he was an elite returnee, with an innocent family background, when in fact, he was at the helm of the Du Clan conglomerate. Because he was childhood friends with Zhou Wenjing’s mother, he intentionally returned to his home country in order to take care of his old friend’s son.

Zhou family was also very rich, in C Country, it was regarded as a first-class family, but it could not be compared to the fortune of J Country’s Du family. A group and a conglomerate, the difference between the two words was the difference between heaven and earth.

In J Country, underworld organizations were legal, and Du family was a top-ranked yakuza family, their arms business covering the whole world. Such a powerful character, but now, he was a personal assistant for Zhou father, ordered around like a nanny. Zhou Yun Sheng really couldn’t figure out what was going on in his mind.

Just because of childhood memories? Perhaps Zhou Wenjing’s mother was the only sunshine in his dark world, and when she died, this beam of sunshine was immortal, so he naturally shifted his affections to Zhou Wenjing? He protected Zhou Wenjing, in order to protect his barely surviving slice of paradise?

No matter how ridiculous these speculations were, the fact was that he was already here. Zhou Yun Sheng also no longer delved into that line of thought, unhurriedly drinking his cup of milk.

Zhou Yun Sheng, Zhou Wenjing and Du Xu Lang quietly ate breakfast, Zhou father and Zhou Wenang occasionally talked and laughed while they ate, the atmosphere between them was very warm and harmonious.

These two were the real father and son, everyone else was superfluous. If the previous Zhou Yun Sheng had seen through this earlier, he wouldn’t have reached such a tragic ending.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun Sheng’s mouth pulled upwards, revealing a slightly mocking smile, then he glanced sideways at Du Xu Lang, who was glancing at him.

The juvenile who should be gentle and handsome suddenly exuded a very evil aura, Du Xu Lang was obviously stunned, his heart jumping sharply worry. But when he looked back, the juvenile had already looked away, concentrating on his porridge.

After breakfast, Du Xu Lang, as usual, drove the three children to school. No matter what he thought in his heart, in front of everyone, he always treated the three children equally, but because the third son Zhou Wenang was the most lively and cheerful, it looked like they were the closest.

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