FOD Chapter 10.12

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Chapter 10.12

The Pope stood in place and shouted for a long time, but he didn't see Bowen and the others turn back, so he had to give up.

He was expressionless, but his eyes sparkled with a sinister light. The three men who were loyal to him were seriously injured and resting on the ground. He stared at them, like a serpent staring at prey, and when the three felt an ominous premonition, he quickly walked over and cut their necks with a sharp dagger.

Bright red blood flowed out all over the ground, it would soon lead dark beasts and devil plants to their location. But he was not worried, he slowly drew a closed magic circle on the ground with the blood.

Black demon fog emerged from the center of the magic circle, the shadow condensing into a human form. Gradually, the shadow solidified, revealing an extremely handsome and wicked face.

If Bowen and his group were still there, they would certainly recognize the man, he was the 'Duke Hubert' who had generously escorted Boel to the elves.

"Amazing, I never thought the Central Church's Pope himself would be the one calling me!" The man cracked his deep red lips into a smile, as if he was looking at something very interesting.

The Pope didn't feel embarrassed or shameful, in order to regain his power, he was willing to pay any price. He bowed, then pleaded, "Greetings Dark God, yes humble me is the one calling you. Please listen to my prayer."

"Mmm? If I satisfy your wishes, what do I get in exchange?" The man raised an eyebrow, interested.

"I'm willing to dedicate my soul to you as your eternal servant. And I can help you win the dark war!" The Pope offered.

"Oh? How tempting. But why do you think you have the ability to win the war between the two gods?" The man almost laughed out loud. No one knew better than him the truth behind the so-called 'dark war', it was just a game the Monarch played to relieve his boredom.

The Pope considered for a moment, then he laid out his elaborate plan.

The man's expression turned from casual to serious, then to surprise, and when the Pope finished, he even felt some admiration for him. The Pope was worthy of being the first mortal to receive the Monarch's divine power, he really was special. But he had to make things clear, any person who could earn the Monarch's attention and make him invest in them was certainly not a decent person.

The Pope's plan was to have the Dark God inject his soul into Joshua's body and replace Joshua, then he would become the Pope and stand as the most powerful person on the mainland again. Then, when the God of Light received him into the Temple of God, he would secretly send a message to the Dark God, so he could kill the Light God when he was most vulnerable.

This idea was too bold, too arrogant, too vicious, amazing even the King of Darkness himself.

He clapped his hands while laughing, "Herman, you're a talented person, no wonder the Mon ... the Light God once valued you so much. It's a shame you didn't come to my Dark Temple to be a dark priest."

"So, is that a yes?" The Pope asked expectantly.

"Give me your soul, and I'll take you to Joshua." The man stretched out his hand.

The Pope was overjoyed, he immediately knelt down to the ground and allowed the man to touch the top of his head and suck his soul out without any resistance. His soul was pure black, filled with all sorts of dirty and evil thoughts and ambitious desires, his level of corruption didn't pale in comparison to one of his Devil Kings.

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