FOD Chapter 4.3

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Chapter: 4.3

They arrived at AYA's C Country branch, the reception staff checked the list then led them to the conference room on the 19th floor.

"Yu Mei Lian, what are you doing here? Didn't Annie fail the selection?" 

A man wandering in the corridor asked in astonishment.

"Annie lost but Cheng Ze was picked. Come Cheng Ze, this is Big Brother Wu Tao. He is one of our company's gold brokers." Yu Mei Lian beckoned.

Wu Tao was still wondering who Cheng Ze was, when he saw a tall and slender young man appear out from behind Yu Mei Lian. His slightly curved eyes flashed with moving vigor, his bright red lips evoked an alluring curvature. 

His presence outdid all the people waiting in the corridor. Everyone secretly sized him up, their hearts emerging with the same thought – No doubt, AYA's audition specs were simply tailored for him.

"What's his full name? Where did you get him?"

 Wu Tao strived to pretend to be calm, quickly glancing at his own artist. He originally felt that her inner qualities were ultra-high, but now everywhere was unpleasant to the eye, a typical case of 'apples to oranges'!

"He was Simon's artist." 

Yu MeiLian found a place for the young man to sit down, then turned her head to give Wu Tao a proud smile.

"Impossible, how could I have overlooked him!" 

Wu Tao's complexion was somewhat ugly. Because he had the highest qualifications, he got first pick of all the most promising artists, the rest were turned over to Yu MeiLian and the other brokers.

"I guess he was a trump card, so Simon hid his profile. The remainders of our selection were all filed with the company, so he was randomly assigned to my name. His luck was also good, while walking on the street, a high-level representative of AYA saw him and recommended the interview." 

Yu Mei Lian pursed her lips in a giggle, happily appreciating Wu Tao's pale face.

While the two brokers were getting catty with each other, Zhou Yun Sheng put on his headphones and quietly listened to music.

The artist Wu Tao brought was Boa, a member of an idol group. Because her looks very delicate, her popularity was very high. When she'd first walked in, she'd looked left and right, and concluded that those present weren't as outstanding as her, her face couldn't help but reveal a haughty look. But now, seeing Lin ChengZe, her confidence dwindled to nothing. She quickly moved several seats away from him, afraid that siting near him would make her look like mud.

In the conference room, candidates came in one by one, and were explosively thrown out one by one.

AYA's chief designer, also this perfume's perfumer, Orlando, waved them away with a look of disgust, 

"Your skin is not smooth or delicate enough, out!"

"You dare come in with this kind of look? Self-confidence is a good thing, overconfidence is a bad thing, out!"

"How old are you? 15? Are you sure you're not 35? Those eye bags are hanging all the way to your nose, out!"

"I said be mature and charming yet pure and tender, but what is this? I can't tell whether she's an artist or a prostitute! Vulgar, simply too vulgar! Out, out, out ... ..."

Orlando said dozens of out in a row, propping his forehead on his hand, feeling like he was going crazy.

The staff who arranged for the audition was also quickly going mad because of him. Mature and charming yet pure and tender. What kind of demon was that? Even if my English level was at a primary school level, I'll still know that the meaning of these words conflicted each other, right? 

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