FOD Chap 7.2

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Chapter 7.2

Gao Lang was anxious to immediately kill Qi Xiu Jie, but unfortunately, the imperial edict clearly stated that he should be executed the next day. If he killed him at an earlier date, he'd be defying imperial decree. 

But yesterday, he deliberately went to the prison and told the prison official that Qi Xiu Jie should be killed first thing tomorrow morning. The prison official enthusiastically agreed, not daring to disobey.

The next morning, when the sun had yet to rise, the prison official sent two executioners to bring Zhou Yun Sheng to the Meridian Gate.

"The day has not yet dawned; the yang energy is less than the yin energy. If you two do the execution at this time, when this Qi goes to the spring, this Qi will inevitably come back to disturb you two." 

Zhou Yun Sheng kneeled on the execution slab, but he wasn't panicked.

The reason why the ancients required beheadings to be carried out a 12:45pm was because the yang energy was most vigorous at this time. When the criminals turned into malicious spirits, they would immediately be scattered by the yang energy, unable to retaliate against the executioners. 

It was currently not yet 5:00am, the atmosphere was cold and damp, giving out an inexplicably eerie feeling.

The ancients firmly believed in these supernatural things, fearing that swinging the blade would immediately attach a malicious spirit to themselves, the two executioners glanced at each other and wordlessly decided to wait till the sun rose to carry out the execution.

Zhou Yun Sheng looked up at the sky, it was quickly approaching dawn. Li Jin Tian dreamed all night; he should now be awake. 

That's right, those two dreams were illusions forcibly implanted in Li Jin Tian's brain using his spiritual power. Gao Min was an upright person; rebellion, adultery, betrayal and other such scandals were against his nature.

But what about it? Gao Lang had murdered hundreds of people in the Qi family, and Gao Min also secretly poisoned Qi Xiu Jie, destroying his body. Such a ​​deep blood feud could only be offset by the equal extermination of the Gao family. 

Zhou Yun Sheng always said that if the protagonist didn't provoke him, he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke them, but if the protagonist made things difficult for him, he could only pay them back a hundredfold.

Not only will he wipe out the Gao family, Li Jin Tian, Gao Min, and their son, the future emperor of Da Yan, Li Xu Yan, will all be ruined by his hands. Since he was occupying Qi Xiu Jie's body, he would grant Qi Xiu Jie's wishes perfectly.

Zhou Yun Sheng was lazy by nature, hedonistic, but he never slacked off on two things, his career and holding a grudge.

While waiting, the sun slowly rose and broke through the clouds, the two executioners saw that the time had almost arrived and opened the jar of liquor. After taking a few sips, they sprayed it towards the sharp blade and raised it up high.

"Wait, hold the blade!" 

An anxious voice stopped the falling sword in the nick of time. The two executioners turned to look, then were so frightened that their calves trembled.

"This slave sees His Majesty the Emperor, long live, long live!!"

"Get out of my way, it's not yet 12:45, who allowed you to carry out the execution?" 

Li Jin Tian was furious, he kicked the two men to the ground.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it was an order from the Prime Minister, we slaves had to obey ah!" 

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