FOD Chapter 8.2

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Chapter 8.2

There were two other men in the same bedroom with Zhou Yun Sheng, they were Hayden's 'brothers'. In order to climb the tall tree called Hayden, they were all too happy to suppress Hayden's enemy.

They saw Romeo looking in the mirror, and began a cynical chatter. They thought the boy would fight back as usual, and then they could show it to the camera and lower the judges' impression and the audience's votes for him, but they didn't expect him to not even glance at them, he just directly opened the quilt and went to sleep.

They mocked him for a few minutes, saw him not responding, and left, bored. The cameraman responsible for tracking the three in the room first took a shot at the bulge on the bed, then he followed them downstairs. The drama downstairs had more broadcast value.

Zhou Yun Sheng opened the quilt and clicked on the AI to read Romeo's current social media score. The situation was worse than he'd expected. The netizens had thought that a child with such a clean and soft appearance must also have a good heart, so they'd placed high expectations on him.

After the first episode broadcast, the program group gathered statistics and the amount of Romeo's fans put him in the lead. His appearance had great lethality and temptation, whether it was men or women, adults or minors, they were easily affected by his innocent looks.

That's why when they found out that his inner and outer appearance were inversely proportional, the mood whiplash was so much. Expectations were too high, not good.

Some netizens were saying that Romeo was an 'outwardly shiny but completely rotten on the inside' apple, one bite will forever make you feel disgusting. Others said that Romeo only belittled and slandered others but he had no talent of his own, so he will definitely be eliminated next episode. Some of the more radical thinking people were directly demanding they forget the voting and just kick him out.

In addition to the viewer votes, players could be promoted based on the three judges' evaluation and challenge scores.

Today's challenge tested the dressing speed and personal taste. It placed the players in the subway and required them to use three minutes between trains to pick out a complete and suitable outfit and successfully catch the train to the next stop. Then they had to use their assigned phones to take a wonderful self-fie.

Romeo was eliminated at the first stop, not because his dressing speed was slow, but because his popularity was too bad. When the train was approaching, he was pushed from behind, he tripped and had to watch the train drive away. He immediately asked the producer to help him find the culprit, but he was rejected. It was normal to push and shove in that kind of chaotic mess, so the producer felt that there was no need to expand the situation.

The challenge ended and Romeo ranked at the bottom with only six points. That's why he couldn't restrain his temper and criticized Hayden's photos. The child had very thin skin, and he always acted on impulse, totally disregarding the consequences.

If Zhou Yun Sheng wanted to continue in the program group, he had to do three things: One, shoot stunning photos to wow the audience; Second, wash away Romeo's smelly reputation on social media; Third, keep his curly, soft platinum blond hair. In the next episode, Romeo will be eliminated because his head was shaved, destroying his looks and making his last batch of supporters abandon him.

These three tasks weren't difficult for Zhou Yun Sheng, so he comfortably fell asleep.


The next morning, everyone got up for breakfast. Someone in the living room found a letter sent to the players from the host, Ariel, on the TV which said – What was the most fantastical dream that also felt real in your childhood?

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