FOD Chapter 9.6

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Chapter 9.6

After Zhao Ling Feng left, a few people came and knocked on Zhou Yun Sheng's door, he gripped the pistol silently. These people were either curious ordinary people, or spies from the other bases. They wanted to connect with the doctor to persuade him to follow them away.

Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui were eager to get rid of Bai Mo, but to others, he was a treasure, and the most promising hope of developing an anti-zombie virus vaccine. Although Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui established a free and equal base to accommodate a large number of survivors, and re-created a new order in this devastated world, they killed Bai Han, ironically dooming the world to hopelessness.

So in Zhou Yun Sheng's view, they were not his saviors, but his destroyers, so he must find a way out of the two people's sphere of influence. Zhou Yun Sheng still did not understand the other bases' situations, so he couldn't rush and seek refuge with them. First, he needed to find a place to settle down with Zhao Ling Feng, and then slowly probe around for a more powerful base by word of mouth. He really did not want to seek refuge with B Base like in the previous generation and be killed again after the vaccine was successfully developed, but in any case, he was indifferent to his life and death after it's made, since the task would already be completed.

At the thought of accomplishing the task, Zhou Yun Sheng remembered Lei Chuan's blood. Now, Lei Chuan should be regarded as the country's highest level Warrior, he was afraid that currently no one could overpower him and get enough blood, and even if they were lucky enough to harm him, with Lei Chuan's powerful healing ability, the wound would heal in a few seconds, and not much blood would flow. And after the slight, no one could predict how the crazy Lei Chuan would seek revenge.

So, it was simply wishful thinking if Zhou Yun Sheng wanted to get a bottle of Lei Chuan's blood before leaving.

Zhou Yun Sheng covered his face and sighed, he had to give up for now. He remembered that Bai Mo Han had put Lei Chuan down with highly toxic drugs, maybe he could use it. Either way, they still had to quickly seek refuge with a base and get a laboratory. In a laboratory, Zhou Yun Sheng could feel omnipotent again.

While pondering, another person knocked on the door, Zhou Yun Sheng immediately silently raised his gun and aimed at the door. Soon after, that person left. These uninterrupted visits didn't make Zhou Yun Sheng feel annoyed, on the contrary, he welcomed their knocking. If there were witnesses, Lei Chuan's people wouldn't move against him.

As for Lei Chuan, he had led his subordinates and left to clean up a large supermarket. The supermarket was surrounded with zombies, densely packed as far as the eye could see, their howling and foul rotten stench could give fill someone's heart with fear.

If this was the last life, Lei Chuan absolutely wouldn't dare try to infiltrate, but after his rebirth, he suddenly found that he'd retained some of the abilities he had as a ghost. He could release his consciousness like those with psychic abilities and cover a large area, then he could see anyone's inner light to determine their ability and their strength. He could even perceive where those with space abilities hid their space, if given some time to practice, he could even use his mental force to directly take material out from their space.

His strong matchless spiritual force also helped his abilities level up in a short period of time, yesterday he was only a peak level-4 Warrior, but today he was already a low level-6. He had a premonition that one day he would be able to transcend to King level, then Saint level, and even God level.

But this didn't make him feel ecstatic, just sorrowful. The doctor should have become a King level powerhouse, and also one of the country's top powerhouses, but because of his bias, he'd destroyed the man's fate. He felt that his abilities were somehow stolen from the doctor, so he felt ashamed and irritated. If the initiator was not his good brother, someone he owed a life, he would definitely torture that person.

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