FOD Chapter 172

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Chapter 172

They were now certain, the computer Orr chose was the Queen's hiding place, he was not a mole, but the galaxy's savior! In order to give timely feedback on the battlefield, just like brain controlled mech, manual mech had real-time monitoring equipment installed. Orr's every action in the information center was recorded, and it was not only reported to the military, it was spread throughout the barracks. He didn't hesitate to stop Kane, then he quickly ran out to find the right computer and implanted the chip, efficiently completing the task.

But this was nothing, the most shocking thing was the video of the two minute fight he had with Kane. He was clearly using a manual mecha, but his smooth moves could put a brain controlled mech to shame. With only one side kick, a heavy punch, and a sharp elbow jab, Kane's mech was completely destroyed, then he pulled Kane out of the cockpit and nonchalantly tossed him aside, this move was unspeakably callous, yet so dashing.

The heavy and slow manual mech, under his control, was exceptionally flexible and agile, if he was using a brain controlled mech, it was not difficult to imagine how powerful his combat effectiveness would be. After watching the video, all of the soldiers were awed by General Orr's superb combat level and combat awareness.

The military repeatedly analyzed the video, and finally concluded: Kane attacked Orr first, and his purpose was to destroy the chip already inserted into the computer. If Orr hadn't stopped him, the salvation mission would've been a failure. Therefore, Orr wouldn't bear any responsibility.

The survivors of this catastrophe were very satisfied with the results of this verdict, except Kane Celayan, who was furious, and sent complaints to the military court several times, but they were mercilessly dismissed. Kane almost put the chip into the wrong computer, almost causing the mission to fail, and he also spouted those foolish sentiments, which was enough to offset his previous honors.

"For those seven months Orr was in a coma, who was fighting on the front line? Who faced up against the robot army and pushed them back, again and again? It was me. But because of that computer chip, they ignore all my previous efforts and achievements, and praise Orr, this is so unfair." Kane half sat up on his hospital bed, and said with a calmness he didn't feel.

Nan Qing's expression was awkward, he seemed to want to comfort his older brother, but he couldn't find the right words. This was how the world worked, no one saw the sweat and labor other people put in, they could only see the flashy and gorgeous results of success. After considering for a few minutes, Nan Qing gently said, "Big Brother, I know it hurts, but you should look at it from another perspective. You should thank Orr, if he hadn't stopped you in time, you would've become the Empire's greatest sinner."

"I still have to thank him?" Like he'd heard a big joke, Kane smiled coldly. He didn't want to be grateful, since they were kids, Orr always outperformed him, and after finally receiving such a good opportunity, Orr destroyed it. Since Orr knew which computer the Queen was in, he should've just told him and let him perform the task, rather than abruptly snatching the chip away. When all was said and done, this was merely a fight over a military achievement.

Restraining his loathing, Kane nodded, "You're right, I'll let it go. The matter has already passed, it makes no sense to brood over it. Has Orr woken up?"

"He was still in a coma when I went to visit him yesterday. Wait a while, I'll go check on him again." Nan Qing couldn't help but feel relieved seeing his brother give up on Orr. Orr was currently Asaph Galaxy's Superhero, he would soon be promoted and honored. He was now a General, so he could be promoted to Admiral, a 27 year old Admiral was unprecedented in Asaph Galaxy. Plus, he had a special advantage, he still had at least 300 years left in his lifespan, whereas the other four Admirals, and even the Marshal, were already ancient, and might soon retire.

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