FOD Chapter 10.13

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Chapter 10.13

Although the temple the elves and beastmen clans had built was not as beautiful and colorful as the human temples, it was more solemn. The place where the statue of the Father was originally erected was replaced by a large chaise lounge, and the God of Light was currently sitting on it, his arms stretched out to hug the boy walking slowly towards him.

He missed him so much, so much that he wanted to attach himself to him, so he could feel everything he felt.

"Baby, what's wrong? You don't recognize me?" Seeing the boy standing in place for so long, his heart became restless.

Brainless Sheng finally won the struggle. He used countless chains to confine Rational Sheng in the subconscious, then rushed forward like a bird returning to its nest, flapping into the Father's embrace. He bumped against him and looked up into his face.
The Light God's restless mood instantly dissipated, he hugged him tightly, letting out a pleasant and satisfied sigh.

"Father, why are you here? I missed you so much, my heart was dying from missing you!" Zhou Yun Sheng wrapped his arms around the Father's waist, letting out his grievance in drops of tears. He really hadn't wanted to go out and travel, he just wanted to live quietly in the temple and stay by the Father's side.

The Light God was both happy and distressed, happy that the boy always gave him his unreserved love, distressed that he was always so quick to tears. He kissed his tears clean, then lifted his jaw, eager to kiss his pink and sweet lips.

The many days of unfulfilled desire swallowed the two people. They were entangled on the wide chaise, groaning and moaning. The boy was turned upside down on the armrest, his back arched, his buttocks lifted, his cheeks glowing red and his eyes tearing up as he begged "Father move slower, I can't take it anymore. Father, I want to look at your face."

He tried to turn his head, but the man's palm held his jaw fixed, and he panted an order, "Close your eyes baby, I'll tell you when to look." He pumped fiercely, his expression mixed with pleasure and anxiousness. If the boy looked back, he would find that the man's golden hair had turned pure black, and his eyes were filled with endless darkness. His compassionate temperament had been replaced by violence and cruelty.

The passion was wild, and the combination of spirit and flesh left the two in a daze for a long time.

The man's hair and pupil color gradually returned to normal, he wrapped the limp boy with his holy robe and hugged him in his arms, close to his heart. He sometimes lifted a lock of platinum hair to kiss, and sometimes kissed the boy's wet eyes, his expression was extremely gentle.

Zhou Yun Sheng buried his face in his chest and muffled out, "Father, do you know that even the elf clan, the ones with the purest souls, have demons among them."

"Any kind of race can be corrupted by the demon fog, no one's mind is absolutely clean." The Light God whispered as he pecked the boy's swollen lips.

"As long as the heart is toward the light, it will be able to withstand the darkness." Brainless Sheng inherited the original Joshua's longing and devotion to the light. He could say without a guilty conscience that his mind and heart was absolutely clean. Of course, that's only if he was separated from Rational Sheng.

"Joshua, you need to know, wherever there's light, there's a natural darkness where the light doesn't shine. Light and darkness seem like two extremes, but in fact, they are indivisible. You can't pursue absolute light, because that's something that doesn't exist. Even if it's you and me, we can be corrupted by darkness anytime."

"That's impossible!" Brainless Sheng shouted a retort, "You are the God of Light, you will never be corrupted by darkness. And if it's me, I'd rather die."

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