FOD Chap 6.10

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Chapter 6.10

"What does Zi Nan plan to do?" 

Sun Xi Mu lit a cigar and slowly leaned back into his chair.

"What do you think I should do?" 

The door was pushed open and an impeccably handsome young man walked in, followed by his manager. He sat down on the double sofa and continued, 

"Which newspaper would dare publish such an article without your consent, Sun Xi Mu?"

The manager dripped cold sweat. What was the intent behind the boss' actions? Was he bored of playing with Ou Zi Nan, so he wanted to ruin him? What a sick rich man! Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Ou Zi Nan with sympathy.

Sun Xi Mu was indeed guilty as charged. But he had to do it, otherwise, there'd always be a sense of fear and uncertainty in his heart. He wanted to tell everyone in the world, 'Ou Zi Nan is mine, you can't covet him'. 

He couldn't stand seeing everyone's fanatical gazes, couldn't stand having people clamor after him wherever he went, couldn't stand the online mob crying and screaming to have his babies.

Every moment of the day, he lived in panic and torment, he only felt a moment of peace when they were deeply entangled. He never wanted to pull out from him, he just wanted to be one with him forever. This way, he couldn't suddenly disappear, he couldn't go somewhere he couldn't follow.

But these crazy thoughts, Sun Xi Mu couldn't share them with Ou Zi Nan. So, when he received the call from the newspaper, for a reason he couldn't explain, he let it go.

Now, he was restlessly awaiting his lover's decision.

"You can handle it any way you want." 

He walked over to the sofa, and stooped to put his arm around his lover's shoulders.

Zhou Yun Sheng expressionlessly looked up at him, waiting for his forehead to be covered in guilty cold sweat, before slowly opening, 

"I want to hold a press conference to come out of the closet. Prepare it."

"Out of the closet? With who?" 

Sun Xi Mu's voice was hoarse.

"You're asking with who? Are you brave enough to announce our relationship? If not, I'll come out by myself, then go abroad to spread my wings. I don't want a market in C Country." 

Ou Zi Nan gave a contemptuous smile.

Li Li and the manager looked at their boss, dripping with cold sweat. This proposal was too f#cking bold, their hearts were about to explode! The boss would never agree. 

A performing artist coming out of the closet was nothing, a financial giant coming out of the closet would shake up the stock of all the companies under the Sun clan, implicating billions of dollars.

While the two looked on in disbelief, Sun Xi Mu unexpectedly smiled. His smile was relaxed and delighted. He took out a black velvet box from his suit pocket and handed it to the young man.

Zhou Yun Sheng also didn't make a fuss, he opened the lid and put the pair of rings on their ring fingers.

"Do you want me to kneel and propose?" 

Sun Xi Mu pulled his tie and earnestly asked.

"If you're willing." 

Zhou Yun Sheng looked at him and smiled.

Sun Xi Mu immediately knelt down, taking hold of his lover's left hand, he kissed the back of it, pious and gentle. The love overflowing from his eyes was suffocating. Li Li and the manager couldn't stand it and hurriedly fled.

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