FOD Chapter 171

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Chapter 171

"I'm your new roommate." Zhou Yun Sheng said, not looking up from his computer.

"You're also a soldier?" Orr looked the thin boy up and down, his eyes full of doubt. If he remembered correctly, the boy's medical chart said he was 17 years old, not yet an adult, according to imperial law, he was absolutely not allowed to join the army.

"I'm not a soldier, but I'm participating in this salvation mission. I'm from the technical staff." Zhou Yun Sheng glanced at him, then asked, seemingly casually, "How have you been feeling recently?"

"Thank you for your concern, I feel perfectly alright." Orr politely thanked him, then walked into the kitchen to fill the boy a glass of juice.

"I heard that you joined the Vanguard Army, how are you doing with the manual mech training?" Zhou Yun Sheng took the glass and sipped a little.

"I thought it would be difficult, but it's been very simple, as long as you repeatedly memorize and practice entering the key codes for each action, you can make the armor move pretty smoothly. Your hand speed is really important, if your hands can keep up with the thinking speed of the brain, a manual mech can also fight just as good as a brain controlled mech." When talking about mech, Orr's interest was roused, and his attitude was not as distant as before.

"Is that so? But no one's hands can possibly keep up with the brain, so there are still many discrepancies between manual mech and brain controlled mech. Practice properly, I hope you can come back safely." Zhou Yun Sheng nodded slightly and went to the back room with his laptop. He would take out the time to chat like this with Orr every day, to understand the details of his life, once he didn't find signs of his lover waking up, he would immediately lose interest in talking.

Orr scratched his head, he always felt that the boy didn't seem like the fanboy the Marshal described him to be, on the contrary, he could occasionally sense faint disgust radiating from him. And so, he tried to reduce the opportunities where he could run into the boy, he left to train in the barracks before he woke up every day, and only quietly returned when he assumed he would already be asleep.

Zhou Yun Sheng didn't care whether Orr tried to get close to him or kept his distance, for now, Orr was merely his guinea pig, he only needed to observe him, and ensure that he didn't die an unnatural death before determining the success or failure of the trial. As for this salvation mission, he wouldn't stop him from participating, because he wanted to make use of the dangers on the battlefield to stimulate Orr's potential, which may lead to his lover waking up. As long as he could bring his lover back, he was willing to try anything.

This night, after compiling a part of the program, and entering the data on Orr's health, which he'd called in a favor with the doctor to obtain, into his computer, Zhou Yun Sheng wrapped himself in his quilt and fell into a deep sleep. In the middle of the night, he felt thirsty, and opened his misty eyes, surprised to find a tall figure standing silently over his bed. That man was Orr, and he was looking at him with a scorching gaze, full of love.

Seeing this very familiar pair of eyes, Zhou Yun Sheng's nose soured, almost bursting into tears. He twisted to turn on his lamp and excitedly asked, "Are you back?"

But as soon as the incandescent light was lit, the fiery love in Orr's eyes evaporated like mist, immediately turning back to his habitual alienation. He blinked, showing a confused expression, "Joe, why are you in my room?"

Zhou Yun Sheng stared at him for a moment, his mood falling from the joyous clouds into the valley of the disappointment. He doubted whether the eyes he'd just seen were just a figment of his exhausted imagination.

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