FOD Chap 7.11

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Chapter 7.11

Li Xudong was born for war. His violent bloodthirsty nature was completely released on the battlefield, but he was not as delicate as a prince should be, he could endure starvation and hardship even better than the poorest soldiers.

From a prisoner guard to a vanguard and then to a commander-in-chief, in only a short period of two years, he'd already achieved a high status in the army. And as for Gao Nian, he became a good companion to win over the soldiers, his help was very effective. Gao Nian wasn't made for war, but he loved to boast that he was, and his hobbies were grabbing other's military work. He pushed others to the front line, while he hid in the rear, trembling. Then when someone else got a kill, he'll immediately harvest the head of the dead body to claim the work.

But, his name was Gao, who could fight him? Although the soldiers didn't say it, they'd lost a lot of respect and admiration for Gao Min, they didn't respect him as a great War God anymore.

While Li Xudong won over the 800,000 troops in the South, Li Jin Tian was also disintegrating Gao Min's millions of private troops. He divided them into several shares, then sent them piece by piece to Six Princes' side.

After three years of investigation, there was no doubt in his mind that Six Princes was the most suitable future Emperor. The other princes he'd sent to Beijing were just a few shields he'd put up. He placed the eighth and ninth prince in high positions, but they were successfully damaged by the Gao family, and now, even Seven Princes was accused of misconduct by the courtiers and was facing a ban. Only Six Princes avoided trouble because he was away in the army.

Because he couldn't go abroad to get rid of Six Princes, Gao Min entrusted a confidant to assassinate him, but although they tried frequently for three years, they had no success. Li Jin Tian knew of this matter, but he couldn't directly accuse Gao Min. He thought that if Gao Jia was destroyed, Gao Min would calm down and obediently stay with him, just like Qi Xiujie.

So, he didn't stop the attacks, but he sent a lot of manpower to protect Six Princes.

Li Xudong was stabbed in battle and was sitting in the tent, waiting for the exceptionally comely looking military doctor to open his back bandage to observe the wound.

"Did you just bathe?" Li Xudong's nose twitched.

The military doctor lowered his head and muffled out an affirmative.

"You always have a very quiet and elegant fragrance, you know?" Li Xudong was now eighteen, his height was a full 6ft 3in. He had bronze skin and strong muscles peeking out from his semi-open shirt. His extraordinary appearance and cold temperament made him infinitely charming.

He leaned slightly closer to sniff the military doctor's exposed white neck, his expression seemed intoxicated.

The military doctor was shocked, he quickly covered his neck with his hands, his cheeks flushed, his handsome face filled with color. For these three years, because there weren't any beauties, the military doctor was always molested by different soldiers because of his feminine appearance.

Li Xudong smiled deeply, he grabbed the doctor's arm and sighed, "What use is covering it up now, I saw you when you showered the other day."

The military doctor's eyes widened in panic.

Li Xudong's voice became hoarser and lower, "You deliberately led me to your camp to be medicated, wasn't that to make me see the Zhusha Zhi on your neck? I'm not a narrow-minded person, Gao Min is a Ger, yet he can lead the army, why can't you save lives?"

The military doctor's eyes instantly lit up, he gave Li Xudong a grateful look. When Li Xudong reached out to touch his Zhusha Zhi, he unexpectedly didn't struggle.

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